Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Don't be Rediculous...
I don't know exactly, I could write a book on how to catch a man, but I think that one has been done a million times over.
I might write a book on how to live your whole life with out knowing how to write perfect grammer or spell the English language. I'm thinking that idea might be original, but boring.
I could write about my adventures in dating land, except I really have only gone on a handful of losser dates and have really only been in relationships.
Maybe I could write a novel on staying in a relationship for5 yrs and then leave and move on to greener fields. I might be able to pull that off. I am certain that since I only have had one 5 yr relationship I'm probably not an expert by any stretch of the imagination.
Well, I guess untill I figure it out I will continue to write my blogs...after all I do enjoy grossing out my peers and telling all the little dirty stories that flood my mind...
and there is the peni and vagina stories that I know you all can't live without...why the other day I was talking to the secretary and he tells me that not only do vaginias come in differnt sizes (who knew?) they also have different textures...I can't even tell you what I was thinking...
Monday, September 17, 2007
I have not been able...
So, while he was gone I did talk myself into going to "Fredricks of Hollywood" for some much needed sex linzuray... for this I might of had some kind of heart palpations...Why you ask? I have peni in my had on a daily basis..but have trouble expressing sexuallity??...I can only contribute it to one thing...I was raised Catholic...
and I say linzuray cause well it was sexy and somewhat revealing...and it made me talk like some old rich woman...but who is really paying attention to how I talk anywho..down to the dirt...
Yes, when he came home he was surprised..So, surprised he had no clue as to why I had on his long sleeve shirt on..and high heels...DUHHHHHH
I have to give it up to Engineer guy!! He is the champ...Once I pointed him into the right direction he took over like a champ...
To all of my male readers...Don't miss the suttle signs... to the women out there hit them over the head they will get it!!!
Monday, September 03, 2007
To go to the porn shop or not??
Now, I am no stranger to many a peni since I see them all the time at work..
(I swear father this is only for medicinal reasons)
*disclaimer* I can't believe that I went to school to endless amounts and sizes of peni and vajignias...and by size I mean size... who new that some people would have cavernous vajignias or turtle peni but it is the dirty truth that I must somehow make right in my mind..;
Back to the porno store, I have never been to one of these enterprises and that is why he thinks it would be funny to go and have the store clerk give the ins-in outs of their new and improved D word... I can't even type it that is how embarrassed I would be...
How ever I told him I would go only if I had several glasses of wine and a cheerleader team coaching me though the experience...
Why with all that I see you think I could handle an assortment of extra curricular devises, but the truth is I like Engineer guy's channel changer just fine...and sometimes he even manages to make it vibrate!!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
To know some people....
Some people come into your life...and no matter what you are never the same...
Sometimes certain circumstances prevent them from staying close to you but you never forget their greatness...
Their greatness is so apparent to everyone around them, but hey are humble...
Thank you, you will never know how much you meant to me...
You, you know who you are...the one thing that you said to me as a new nurse was, " what you have can never be taught in any school, always trust your instinct"
and I keep that notion close to me at all times knowing that if I truly listen to my heart I might not miss anything...
Thank you...Your saddness I could feel but I hope all is better now...
We will both never be the same...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
As Much as.....
As much as I would love to tell all of you how knee deep I was in other people's junk and trunk this week I had to unfortunately attend to a family emergency...Tuesday I was at the airport all day (from 11:00 am to 1:00 am) mostly in tears and too tired to cuss the ticket agents ( U know it was bad if I couldn't drink alcohol or cuss) I think the tears were mostly cause I had to deal with things without Number #1 taking off all my clothes and Number #2 I couldn't even stomach or think about alcohol. I can't believe I even thought or wrote that statement I'm loosing my edge. Having said that if you didn't know that I was a nurse I might sound like a stripper, but I assure you I'm only a stripper in my mind or is that Engineer's mind? (just kidding Father he would never think such things of me he loves me for my winning personality why he never even looks at my body)
I am okay...
and I think everything is going to be alright...thanks for hanging in there still...
I am indebted to all of you that have been with me for a little while and thoughts that have been with me from the beginning...I mean if I could have the delusions of grand-or that "I am famous in blog land or my mind one of the two it makes no difference as long as I'm famous" I might not be sane right now!
If it makes you feel any better I will tell you that I saw a butterfly tattoo on an old guys peni,(dirt old) balls and that area I don't even want to mention due to the very nature of it's existence...(If I had know that I would be subjected to old grandpa balls I might have re-thought my profession...stripper maybe...nahhhh I think they have to see old balls too.)
The old guy's wife was a little embarrassed about it...I of coarse acted like I could not see the one eye winking at me...
Engineer guy has been traveling for the better part of the last 5 weeks due to work. However far away he has been, he has grown closer to my heart and has shown me a love that I never even thought possible. He is just the best man I know beside my father. He has been so supportive weathering the notions of thick and thin, he has shown me that he cares more about me that just loving my scallops. Oh sure I know that if I asked him "Why do you love me so much?" (as I often do because I like to torcher him) He would tell you that it was my big boobs, but I know that it goes so much deeper than my willingness to do his laundry.
Life is short, Forgive the unforgivable...
Love to the very last grain of deepest part of the ocean..
and Engineer guy that is how much I love you!
Thinking of you all,
Darn girl
Monday, August 20, 2007
Why yes don't think???
Damit Jim I am only one person...
Okay really...I have been in the shadows lately...never forgetting my peeps, just working a lot and missing my Engineer guy...He has been gone for most of the last 5 weeks...
and then there is the kid...we can't even speak of him...
So, rest assure wensday I will be back with all my vagina stories...I promise... and I will catch up on everyones blog...Micheal I missed your question tuesday but I have not forgotten,. Beth I ahve been wondering how you are and for all that have stood by me super...I will be back and then and then I will talk about peni again...I swear!!! I swear!!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
First of all...
more in a bit I have to go get my face frozen...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sorry everyone I have been on vacation to see my sister...
My brother-in-law left for Iraq a couple of weeks ago and I have been trying to help my sister and children with the change...He is okay but it would be nice for your prayers...
I promise to be back soon just playing catch up on work, kid...and of coarse Engineer guy. We have all been apart for about 2 weeks...
In the boys terms I have been missing for like 12 yrs..sheeesh
I am good and have been thinking of all of you ...I'll catch Up I promise...
thanks for your support!!
darn girl
Monday, July 23, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Me

July 19 commiserated my first year as officially being a RN. To celebrate this very special and significant date I enlisted my partner in crime and fantabulous beautiful girlfriend V. V and I are notorious for hanging out on the weekends, drinking wine and skinny dipping. We are also notorious for complimenting each other, I tell her how fabulously wonderful I think she is, she tells me how fabulous she thinks I am, followed by how proud I am of her for attaining her dreams and being very successful in life and in her career, followed by her telling me how proud she is of me and then we end up telling each other how much we love each other...I'm telling you it is all about the love with us. Of coarse, Engineer guy rolls his eyes and smiles at how much we build each other up. Secretly he is so happy inside because mixing friends can kind of be tricky at times...
The great thing is I met V because of Engineer Guy. V is married to Engineer Guy's best friend Manager Guy so we all hang out together and we get the best of both worlds...the boys and of coarse us!!
Our day started like this: V booked us both Swedish massages at an upscale salon.
We then went to lunch...Susi, Champagne...more champagne and a dip in the pool.
As you all know once we start celebrating with more champagne, chocolate strawberries...a skinny dip in the pool...laughter and more laughter talking about our childhoods, parents...we even called my dad...(yes, father I am still a virgin). It was a day of pampering, fun in the sun and more fun!! Needless to say my phone did not survive the pool, but it was all worth it!!
I left her house early this morning with a slight hangover, but a big smile on my face. Thanks V for making my day so special.
Engineer guy couldn't not have been possibly sweeter..
He cooked for us all week, followed with dinner out and beautiful yellow orange tipped roses to top off my anniversary!!
Thanks guys you sure do know how to make a girl feel special!!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
My Hare is Fried Now What??

Since the begining of time I have fought with my hair, and it usually wins. It has been my nemisis. In my early 20's I started getting my hair highlighted. Highlights can be like a Drug. The very first time you get it highlighted it looks fabulous your thinking that you look like a movie star. The next time you get it highlighted it never looks the same, but you keep trying and trying to get that first high... it never happens.
I have known my hair stylist for more than a year. We are infact really good friends. Hair girl has been trying to dye my do for over a year pleading her case with my hair. My hair finally gave in about 4 months ago. My hair made her sign a contract stating that she will not fry my do or else she has to sell her first born child. The first two times she did my hair I was amazed... feeling that no one could tame my do, but she did. Today I went to the salon with high hopes that she would perform the same magic as she has previously managed, but No. Let's just say I walked out with part of my hair black...(I never had black hair) part of my hair is orange, part is white, and part of it is fried off...let's just say today was not a really good hair day...and my hair is giving me the silent treatment...
Monday, July 16, 2007
Cowboy it up....
This is my very first time working at this particular hospital, and there for a while I was wondering if I really just walked into the State Penitentiary. I have never seen so many prisioners in orange jump suits, and handcuffs with police, and prision guards at the bedsides.
I thought boy this is going to be some rodeo, and let me tell ya it was.
So, let me tell you about my almost sexual experience with a prisioner that has been in the pen for that last 10 yrs. There he was handcuffed. (how I like to play sometimes) in an orange jump suit (not part of my usual fantacy, but hey I can bend a little) or a lot if needed.. He was very handsome, 27 yrs. old, big blue eyes, 6'0 about 170 lbs. all muscle, and tatoos from head to toe. I could sence the danger as I put on my gloves, now you know what I was thinking...Ohhh I am just so bad...I tell him for lower right quadrant pain he is going to have to strip, but no worries I will help him. I tell him I will let the guards take off his handcuffs for a minute if he promises to behave, he nods his head in agreement. I closes the curtain, they take off his handcuffs and he is true to his word...I was a little disappointed at first I thought for sure that he was going to grab me and at least feel me up, but he had a kind spirit...So, I started talking with him doing my usual assessment of feeling up his chest, and bicepts, I asked him where the pain was and he pointed to his LRQ, I suspected appendicitist...probably why he did not grab me I reasoned. I started his IV, took labs, and then I begain to ask him his story. Why are you in?...He was 16 aggrivated assult, been in 10 yrs...Awe...he told me of how he grew up on the wrong side of the tracks..used heroin in the pen. He said, "I have been watching you" Really...I started to feel flushed...this was just like my fantacy, Yes. He said, "you really care unlike the other nurses, you have been kind to me even thought I am in handcuffs"...I am thinking really its okay...I really did feel kind of bad for him since he was so cute and had been in since he was just a boy...Then he asked me for my address...Oh sh@# sexuall fantacy over with...Sorry handsome, tatooed ex-herion user prisioner...I would like to keep on living there is no way I am going to give you my address so you can come kill me later...although that does kinda sound like one of my other fantacy's minus the herion use.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Lady: My husband and I love each other so much..
Me: Awe that is sweet, how long you'all been together?
Lady: 10 years...we were partying with this couple several weeks ago, we had so much fun..oh we have our problems but he always treats me so good.
Me: Yeah don't we all have problems every now and then..but at least you guys have good communication.
Lady: Yeah...we do. Last week he told me that he thought his prostate was acting up again...Nope turns out he gave us gonarrhea..
Me: Wow, he must really love you a lot! WTF?
Friday, July 06, 2007
Jenny and Me are practically twins hu?

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
This is the kind of sh@# my sister sends me...

Speaking of peni, you know I can't help myself it is the nature of the beast. Since my life is like a trashy romance novel my family, boyfriend and friends know that everything that happens in our lives is subject to be written down in a blog for the sake of that it can be recorded in time...
So, yesterday I send Engineer guy a text. I'm thinking that I am being clever, mixing it up some...being somewhat exciting. I text, "hey sexy how about a meeting at your house tonight with my clothes off". He calls me when leaving work.. Engineer guy " Darn girl are you sending me naughty texts while I am work, I kind of didn't understand what you ment"...WTF? Call me crazy...but I thought I was beeing perfectly clear...
Ummm...Engineer guy let me just say it bluntly (ohhh so takes the funn out of it doesn't it). On your way home from the bar call me and then I am going to sneak into the house and take advantage of you...get it. Engineer guy, " Ohhh yeah I get it" Sheesh what does a girl got to do around here to get some action????
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Happy 4th of July all...
I am celebrating this glorious occasion just like every other born and bread american girl would...with lots of beer, BBQ and fire works! Let the celebration begin....and let there be plenty of beer.
It has been brought to my attention that half the year is gone already...sheesh what a happy thought right?...what have I accomplished over these past months...
1. One of the most memorial moments of the past year was when I froze my boyfriends penis. Ahhhh the happy moments in my life.
2. I quit my low paying job, where I was over worked and under appreciated to working all over the valley in ERs...and making a lot more.
3. I unsuccessfully fought with my boyfriend over e-mail several times, but have figured out a way to finally open up and talk with him like a normal adult, well most of the time anyway.
4. In January We said our first I love yous after roughly six months of dating...
5. I managed to get hit from behind by a scooby doo van that pleeled out and ran back end is still jacked and there is no sign that I will be fixing it anytime soon.
6. I have come to grips that I am directionally challenged, and I am thankful that Engineer guy is always willing to give me directions that I can understand.
7. I went to florida with my boyfriend it was our first get away and ohhh so much fun!!: I thought I would re-post this cause I thought it was kinda cut enjoy all.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Country Girl Code
The Code:
Code name Maverick (we will get into that later) Just imagine the song "Take my breath away" playing ever so delicately... distant in backround (the fan blowing my hair just so) and me writing this in my cowboy boots and nothing else.
Rule #1. Drink Beer
Rule#2. Drink a lot of Beer
Rule #3. Find a country boy from West Virgina and Drink Beer
Rule #4. Fly to Florida to See your Man's home boy play Live, be astonished at talent of the Band and Drink a shit loads of beer.
Golden Rule: (you guys really got to check this shit out)
Rule #5. Become a West Virgina fan by default (your man 's from there you have no choice)
OMG did he say I didn' t have a choice...I love it when he says that the more beer I drink...
Rule #6. Get pneumonia before flying to Flordia to see your man's home boy play live and still drink a ton of beer and party till like 4:00 am...
Rule # 7: Go through alcohol withdrawl the day you fly back to the desert and decide yep you definately need another beer...
Yep it has definatley been a great half of year!!!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Anal leakage...that's right I said it...

Of coarse my sister laughed her arse off, her mother-in-law had to buy hubby new underware. My sister wouldn't let him throw the underware away and kept it to show the family. I know they are something special, and then you wonder what is wrong with me...Sister called the whole family to tell of this glorious news and well brother-in-law tried to deny it happened. Momo the youngest of my sister's 4 kids made sure to ask her father out loud at Dillars if he remembered to grab his underware. We all laughed for days about this insident and well brother took it like a champ.
More later on my adventures... now I need to read other blogs and hopefully I will be inspired, untill then I will make sure that I don't try the new "Diet Pill" because I don't want any anal leakage while out shopping.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Well I have never seen a wild thing feel sorry for it's self..
Friday, June 22, 2007
On my way to Sisters....
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What happen to your face??

Life house went on stage and I breathed in the music. Engineer guy of coarse had no idea who Lifehouse was "living for the moment I'm with you", and had no idea who the Goo Goo Dolls were " your Name". I think Engineer guy was taking one for the team, I was in Music blist.
Johnny then went on stage, My heart skipped a beat then, I blinked my eyes...surely wait a minute it sounds like him, it looks like his fabulous hair...Johnny did you get plastic surgery...No please say didn't give in the the whole Music biz and think that you have to have cheek implants. I didn't know how to take it, I mean really arn't men suppost to look more fabulous as they age? Johnny if you are reading this...I really enjoyed the music it was magical, but for goodness sakes please no more plastic surgery. Thanks!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Is Life Really a Beach?

Monday, June 11, 2007
Ahhh last the Tubing day has arrived...and I am up at 5:00 am I'm Officially a Dork
I had to think for several days about this request because my blog is all about me and my life experiences, I never hold anything back. Last night we were the girls were talking about our salt adventure and the more we talked the more I thought not about telling unknown boring facts about myself but the Rules of engagement:
As was passed down from my aunt who was married to my uncle his step sister:
Rule 1. Sometimes you have to sleep in the wet spot. I guess it's kinda like taking one for the team.
2. This is the most important rule of engagment passed down from generation to generation. Every proper Southern girl, (no matter if you just got out of the shower) Uses a fresh clean wash cloth to freshen up before going to bed. My friends looked at me crazy last night when I told them that?? Clearly they are not from the South.
3. A landing strip is a must, hair is not our friend. When I was 14 yrs. Old my aunt Ann (cousin's wife who was like a year and a half older than me gross) said you have to shave more than just the bikini line. Really? I had no idea. Thanks aunt Ann! Not only do I frequently shave a landing strip but I have gotten a little artistic and have even managed shaving a heart, an E for Engineer guy...a M for math..oh yeah he appreciates it!
4. Putting your boobs in his face while in bed is a must! I just threw that one in there because I like it!!
5. Buying new panties and is a must, but not only do you have to buy them but you have to call or text your man and tell him "guess what I did today" Got some new sexy panties...yep works every time...
Now I would tell you the rest of my rules of engagment but then I would be giving away all of my Southern country girl secrets! Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I have decided that I am going to pase myself down the river because I am not really fond of public nudity when it comes to myself. I have warned "Engineer guy" that We are going to the river and I can't promise that I will keep all my clothes on but that I will try. Having said that he made me sign a release that I will not get upset if he takes his clothes off...shit fire man Iwant him to be the pool boy walk around naked all the time, let us feel him up, treat him like a sexual chocolate object and bring us cocktails.
What is so wrong with that?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
He put's tomato's in the salad that is how much he loves me....
That is right I have changed my picture, porque Jenny is prettier... (sound it out like a countriey girl would say it.) Here is how my day when..cause I know all of you are just sooo excited to read what is happening in my world with all my stripping in my mind, inappropriate talks with co-workers...No, my days of Dr. Goldenrod, my days of flirting, or pulling anyone into the clean utility are far far behind me or anyone else except my girlfriend Vasit then it is a go, proque she's not the happy type, "if ya get me?" I aked my boyfriend why he loves me everyday? Today, he loves me so he put tomato's in the salad even thought he doesn't particularly like them...he make dinner for me and I got to his house was still warm kept nice an anit-bactericidic -a- free as was humanly possible. (I think I made that work up but Sh#@ fire it is my blog and I am allowed to make mistake, and yep still a virgin father!)
I hope my nose doesn't start growing or the people I work with might think something is wrong with me (there is but they can't see it cause it is my mind), but my boyfriend really is so soooo good to me it would be a shame to not let people know...know how just very amazing I think he is... SUPER,..... We have debates about water... he swears they don't use bacteria to clean our drinking water (My argue ment that bottled water is not regulated by the FDA) Honey... you won because I could not prove my theory and I will let it die, it front of all the world... SWEARTHEART YOU WERE RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG..see my love issue layed to rest for ever utill you drink and then you might say you can pass the NCLEX and guess what I will believe you then too....that is how much I love you..
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Directionally Challenged
So, why is it so hard for me to drive to the same places all the time? I am not sure. Last night I missed the exit to my boyfriends house and I was late. Poor guy called me and said honey are you lost again?...I couldn't admit it at first...I mean really can he still love me even if I wake up in the night and grab pursearella naked and say that I am going to the pharmacy? He says honey your not at work...oh I lay back down, only to wake up again and ask him if he has any allergies.
I have lived in many different cities have driven all over the country, and still I get lost in my own town. I know it is all my mothers fault that has to be it. Isn't is always the mothers fault. So, everyone is getting me a GPS..I said make sure that it says "turn right or turn left" cause you know if it says go south or north I will never find where I am going.
Thanks family, friends and Engineer guy for putting put with my crazy ways I mean really all you have to be is pretty right?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Is it Possible to freeze Your Boyfriends Penis?
I mean where do I start? Saturday was girls night out, it started so innocently. I go to girlfriends house with a bottle of wine (that was just the beginning of the wine drinking swray) I was all glittered up in my bikini ready for a nice dip in the pool and dinner later that night. Well, we drank the bottle of wine decided to do dinner and call it a night...ahhh yeah...well we did dinner alright, with acouple of margaritas some shots of tequila (that was the waiters idea)...let's just say...Good thing girfriend's husband was not home cause then we decided to skinny dip again again...I mean really...When ever we drink wine our close just fall off...I think it is part of our know I have rules... porque I stayed the worries I was still game for Sundays barbaque...I never left her house...
Sunday, I had to take one for the team it's party time. I pased myself this time cause I don't want my close to fall off in front of strangers. So, I buy this party pack of condoms for that night...(no we weren't going to use all 12 of them)I think I am being smooth...and exciting right? Engineer guy is playig X-Box with the boys, but I am spent and ready for bed, so I go tell him I am going to bed and ummmm he needs to follow me if you know what I mean. He pulls out the condoms, little did he know that the condoms he pulled out had benzolidocaine in them. (okay it did not freeze his peni but it is ment to desensitize it so one can last longer) DISCLAIMER:HE'S PERFECT NO NEED FOR THIS TYPE OF CONDOM. How was I suppost to know it was part of the party pack.. Hey there was even strawberry condoms in the pack for those days that your feeling fruity....tehhee Long story short, He never did get back to playing X-box, and and not only did I freeze his peni I apparently kicked his balls too. I don't remember that action so I am taking the 5th ...If Idon't remember it never happen.
Yep my life is a trasy romance novel what can I say??
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Dragon Shoes

My aunt got married in 1984 to my uncle "Chemical Guy". I was a junior Brides maid with hair feathers so perfectly you would have thought I was the lead singer in the band "Wham". I asked her one day." How do you know Chemical Guy is the one?" She told me when the light bulb is on... you will know. Well, I really didn't know what the HE## she was talking
about then porque I know now.
My aunt is still happily Married with three kids. I model myself after her, and the trusting, loving relationship that she has built with "Chemical Guy". She is the one that taught be about the rules. Rule #1 always sleep naked together (skinny dip with your girlfriends occationally), #2 never with hold sex from each other...and on and on.
The other night at dinner I thought I would test this theory out on Engineer Guy. I asked him if his light bulb was on or off? He looked at me with that look of "I don't know what the hell you are trying to say but I am sure I am going to find out." Then I gave him an out... an easy out, "Run like hell from me now and you might be saved from the curse, stay and your going to be with me forever" Still puzzled, he blinked his eye and stated, "girrrl I know your crazy and I for what ever reason I still love you" Alright I told him, porque I warned you.
I did reasure him that although I might not be the sharpest tool in the Garage I would alway be exciting, fatihful, honest and I always love him unconditionally. We talked about our child hood. I told how much fun my Aunt and Uncle had over the years. Everytime my Uncle "Chemical guy" goes out with the Boyz he wears his Dragon Shoes. "Dragon Shoes"? Yep, when he puts on his drangon shoes usually one of the guys end up dragon his arse home mostly by his shoes.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Orgasm While Driving the Other Day...
I know right, It was a full fledge full on Orgasm!!!
So, you want to know what triggered this Sexually Chocolate experience while I was driving?
DEA..."Shit fire" came to my mind no really that is what I was thinking, and then of coarse came the sexual thoughts that triggered this Big O.
While, driving in the bad part of town there were DEA agents wearing their full gear, I am talking Full on black, Masks to hid their faces (I liked that part), Huge semi automatics (guys I know you like that part) Hemlets, body armor, and oh yeah they were in 2 LARGE tanks that kindof looked like hummers (no pun intended) .
The DEA must have been getting ready for a drug bust or they just knew that I was on my way to work that morning and needed a little stimuli...which ever the case it made for a great start that morning...
Thanks DEA, No really thanks!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Shit Fire...
2. I have been up since the crack arse of dawn, and I have been reading various blogs. I have been inspired to be a follower this time and write more unknown facts about myself or known as long as it tortures all of my fellow bloggers I am good...
3. Sometimes I go on a liquid diet of wine, beer, sake or wine and beer and sake. I think that it kills all of the bacteria internally that I come home with from the hospital. I asked one of the Dr.s I work with about this theory he could not rule it out. So, I roll with it.
4. I am a medical information Nazi, okay maybe Nazi isn't the word to use here, but I make my family listen to all of my medical information. I can't help it I am obsessed, OBSESSED I tell you. I feel very sorry for my father since he has had to listen to this since I learned about the platapuss...heheh I like the word plataPUSS.
5. I went skinny dipping this past weekend with my was part of the therapy to get over the fight with the boyfriend; I would suggest it to anyone in a love fight. We also had 2 bottles of wine, and way to many beers. I had a strep throat infection I was sure that the alcohol would kill the infection, but decided on antibotics and sex with my boyfriend wouldn't hurt either.
6. When I was taking microbiology I thought that I was asian for a while. I did not eat red meat, I started drinking green tea, and I got accupunture for a broken foot. I guess I had a hard time coming to grips with the fact that I had indeed broken my 3rd metatarsal. After micro, I could hardly eat chicken after I saw all the bacteria that I grew from my fellow classmates belly button. Not that her belly button bacteria had anything to do with chicken, I'm just saying I had a hard time with bacteria at the time, and I think I still do that is why I drink alcohol to internally cleans.
7. I think everyone should have a code name: mine is Maverick but don't go telling everyone or it can't be my code name anymore.
8. My child has chest hair and proudly anounced it to me the other day along with underarm hair. I cried, a mildstone passes again. Sheesh I am getting old, good thing I still think I am 25 in my mind.
9. I am not wearing any underware right now.
Finally 10. I secretely work for the CIA undercover as a ER nurse..shhhh Don't tell anyone.
Monday, May 14, 2007
My porno....

Not so tattered anymore...Honestly I had an afair with Brain Pitt, while I was watching the porno Troy. " Engineer Guy" is aware of this infraction and is okay with it just this one time...
I said, "I also had an afair with Brad when he was Tristian in "Legends of the Falls"" another porno that I watch frequently when I need a ego boost...I figure that if I could only get to Tristian and have sex with him (torid sex) that he would in fact be okay after the death of his brother...
"Engineer Guy" too the agreed that since I was so upset this week over our text fight that he could forgive me...
All is well again in Amy land. Honestly, I told on his friends...It is like I am in 6th grade all over again. It worked I feel much better and they reminded him how special our relationship really is, but only after 2 bottles of wine and many many beers.(that was me drinking the wine and beers with my girlfriend) He was just drinking beers.
I do not hold on to things for long. I have forgiven him and I am through wondering if he is telling me the truth...I am taking my own advise and just letting it go. After all he really is a good man I know that in my heart, and sometimes he just doesn't understand that not only am I famous in my mind but that I am a medical detective and can spot a pimple a mile away.
I am no longer upset, I have a strep throat infection, the Dr. I worked with today was kind enough to write me a prescription for z-pack and I went home earily from work...The Dr. also told me that I should have torid sex with "Engineer guy" cause that will really cure my sore throat...and that is what I did..."Engineer Guy
made a wonderful dinner for me tonight and I took advantage of him sexually chocolate...I'm feeling better already...Hey I am just following Dr. orders....
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The thing that really get's me is that everything seemed so perfect, for once in my life I thought that I really found that guy that was almost perfect, except for the gas of coarse.
The thing is I am not really a person that feels/ I like to just live my life with love and friendship brushing things under the rug. Just pretent that certain things never really happen. That is how it has been really all of my life, but this guy I really thought everything was real...and now I am second guessing everything....
I went dancing last night and I had a really good time...
I will hang in there....keep you updated untill then I must drink many many beers...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Okay it is not war anymore but I am going to keep this one short
I never heart is usually cut off from my brain, but I think it was lack of internet access that really brought out the tears...
No worries...I did not die...but I think my cardiac enzymes might be elevated (laymens terms heart attact) or maybe that was just one of my patients that I had today... I'm not sure I have been up for 24 hrs and I am to tired to argue with my Dr.. I told him I must be admitted imediately cause I think that I am dieing....
He said you are breathing right...right..then your just it must have been one of my patients...
Boyfriend and I are working out our problems...because I'm still alive and kicking...and because he confessed his undieing love for me...and I don't quit easy...althought I have been known to give up the sex easy when it comes to him...and then there are the rules of coarse...
After the act of intercoarse...don't you love that cardiac enzyme were normal after all....
Thanks peeps for hanging in there!!! I promise to check out your blogs tommorrow...or else I might really have a heart attact due to lack of withdrawl,,,
Friday, May 04, 2007
It's War
OMG I thought I was going to die, dead...just die.
I mean really, how am I supposed to function if I can't blog my heart out to my peeps, and what are they to thinking of me?
Have they forgotten me? Am I just a distant memory...I can't take it...I swear, I swear!
Dead, I almost died. I called the "internet people" they did not understand my urgency...what a blog? I said this is life or death people you do not understand...I have a reputation to up-hold to tell all my dirty little secretes and gross stories that make most people throw-up. Somehow I don't think they thought it was an urgent.
I told them look I am famous, really famous maybe only in my mind but still famous!
What happen this week? I got in a terrible fight with my boyfriend over the text message of course. He is out of town and I can't bring myself to talk to him. I am not sure that I will be able to talk with him over the phone while he is gone. Today I ate two donuts, a donut whole to self medicate. It only worked for an my brain is in a fight with my body...and oh the heart is kind of tattered as well...more tomorrow...I have got to catch up on all my peeps!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Weird Science...

I was thinking back to my very first kiss. I remember it like it was yesterday. He had big blue eyes, blonde hair (sort of a bowl cut), he was definitely shorter than I, and he had braces. I think I only really loved him for his braces; I coveted "braces" at the time. I had no idea why my teeth were straight.
Yep, at the time I was definitely in love. If you asked me to talk to him I would be tongue tied after all boys were just starting to interest me. Talk to them about what? He asked me to go to the movies. Ah yeah, to what movie I still can't remember, but I do remember him touching my hand trying to hold it. OMGosh! He tried to hold my hand, and NO I did not kiss him that night what kinda girl do you think I am? I do not kiss on the first date. No "Engineer guy" I didn't even kiss you on the first date like you so hopefully remember.
The next week we were at recess, he put his face close to mine. I started to sweat. What was happening to me? I mean I have seen this scene several times in the movies? Should I close my eyes? Should I tilt my neck? What if my nose gets' in the way? What happens if I get my lip stuck in his braces like I have seen so many times in teen movies? Should I let him stick his tongue in my mouth? Should I just stick my tongue out? Or should I move it around? All of these questions racked my brain as I was in the moment. Damn I should have read Cosmo magazine before I went to school that day. I quickly I eyeballed the recess grounds for my friends, If I could just get a look from one of my friends a nod to let me know it would be all okay. I saw no one. So I did what any seventh grade student would do in my place.
I faked it! I closed my eyes acting like I knew knew what I was doing. And there you have it folks. He put his lips on mine and it was the worst slimy kiss I have had till this very day. I did not open my mouth. I did not dare let him go for the tongue kiss. No, I would have to do more research before I went to that base and I think he needed some more research too. I told myself I definitely needed to watch several more make-out movies, and read additional trashy magazines.
I broke up with him that very same week...after all Next week I knew I would be in love with someone else... Hopefully the next boy will have done his research...
P.S. "Engineer Guy" I know why I love you this week...It is for your sweet sexy kisses.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Some People Are So Far Away Yet So Close...
I have been on my own since the very day I turned 17 yrs. old. I had an old beat up car, a garage apartement with shagg green carpet and no refrigerator. The green carpet in itself is enough to make me break out in Hives. No worries Mist1 I took a benadrl. (my cure for everything)
I only ate once a if I could only manage to due that I would be super lean.
One day I realized as I read other blogs we all have gone though tough times, one being no greater pain than the other, yet I have have been soo blessed. I never ever was without love; not from my family but from the family I created with friends. Beth when I read some of your painfully honest stories, my heart when out to you. I want you to know that your heartfelt stories inspired me, your dedication to your children...not to mentions your husband amazes me. Your like the glue that keeps everything together. While mothers' are over worked and under payed, I just want you to know that others look to you for glue too and we appreciate ya...Do you take peanuts for payment?? Unless of coarse you have an allergy to them.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Made my day...
2# Mist1 cracked me up again again with her blog...people you have to read it...
3# Tonight is date night and my boyfriend is cooking dinner...he doesn't believe that I am capible of knocking him out cold. So what if he is like 6'3 and almost 200 lbs. I can kick his arse...Hey hey people we had a boxing ring out in the barn where I grew up...So, I had to knock him out just to prove a point...Why Why do men not believe me? There is a lota power behind this small frame...never underestimate the darn girl....
Yep today was a wonderful day!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Beer is Mostly Protien Right?
Tonight is date night with myself... I'm a cheap date, so I am watching "Sex in the City" DVD's that I borrowed and drinking beer for dinner...what is soooo wrong with that? and as I watch the DVD's I am analizing every sexual chocolate episode as if I am a chair holder on the team of judges for the Golden globe awards...
I think to myself...I know thinking a new concept; I scratched my head as I pondered the thought...Does he really love me with all my crazyiness?...I mean I wake up in the middle of the night and say.."Dr. I need the patients chart"...He gently nudges me and says baby we are in bed you are not at the hospital..."Oh" I go back to sleep...or when I have a particular stressful day and I can't sleep due to all the adrenaline racing though my viens because I was involved in a Code Blue before I reached his house for date night...he understands that I can't sleep and doesn't mind if I keep the TV on as he sleeps... On the weekends he lets me drink and get a little crazy with telling all my peni stories...he never even is fazed when I give the talk about herpes...I send him text messages that read, " I know that you have a girlfriend, but how about we have sex before she comes over"...he sends a text to me back..." sounds great, by the way I love you and I will see you Later" darn fooled...he know's it was me...
"Girlfriend" does he love me for me and all the crazy shit I put him through?...I asked him tonight as he was driving home from a business dinner with sure you love me?...
He is solid. He say, " Woman...till the deepest end of the ocean till the last grain of sand"...
I love it when he calls me Woman...yes girlfriend...He loves me even if.....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Ma I got a Chin Hair...WTF?
Ma yes I do.
No you don't.
Please dear God tell me that my almost 12 yr. old son doesn't have a chin hair. He is convinced convinced that he has a chin hair and for sure has a mustache...
If I only knew how painful it was to grow him up. His Grandmother a wise wise woman once told me, "one day he is going to break your heart, grow up and live his life with-out you being able to control it".
WTF? Didn't I give birth to this kid? Didn't I stretch out my perfectly flat belly in to a road map of streaks, and stretch marks?
I tell you what...How dare he grow up. How dare he not want me to pick him up and carry him around while we are shopping? Oh of coarse he's like almost taller than I am now, and he does wear an 11 1/2 size shoe in men...but I think I might still be able to drag him around...
Oh me Heart was never the same after he was has just grown big and soft...that and "Engineer guy" made me love him too...
Darn...Boys they have made me go soft...What happened to me I used to be so hard core...
Friday, April 13, 2007
How Did I Not Know This...
Just this week I had to tell and teach a prego woman that she in fact had the Herp..and not just an urinary tract infection...
Let's just say that it must not be easy to date me and kinda not very sexy at times when I have to come home and tell”Engineer guy" about my vagina escapades. Not very sexy to tell him that I had my fingers, GLOVED people GLOVED in some Herp Vajgina...What can I say...I'm to sexy for my...boyfriend.
"Engineer guy" I'm sorry I wake up and ask you what allergies you have, and what medication your on...I am always working while I am sleeping...I'm sorry that I snore sometimes...yes, I admit that dirty little secrete. I’m sorry that I am a bacteria phoebe and ask you how long you have had that blister on your finger...
The thing is people he still talks to me...I don't get it. No matter what crazy thing comes out of my mouth, he still still talks to me and most of the time he still wants to have sex with me...well boyfriend...I love you...and no matter what crazy thing you do (He never does anything crazy, I told him to start so we could have balance) I will always love you... to the deepest end of the ocean to the very last grain of sand...and I'll be sure to bring thoughs breath right stips tonight...
Friday, April 06, 2007
My new pet, Pursearella, light purple shiney and never talks back...
I walked into the door with chest pain non a scale of 1-10 it was like a 4/10(no worries I am a doctor in my mind and know that it was really only anxiety and a need for tylenol pm), good thing boyfriend missed me cause there she was in the corner pursearella shiney and sparkley...I was stunded by the beauty of Purse-arella I was captured, it sunk in and I was self medicated with dieing devotion and love for purse-a- rella....
She's no ordinary pet, she gets to ride in a car seat in back seat due to wieght. She is potty trained and allowed to go out with me on most occations as long she is not at risk for injury. She never acts up, is not on regualar medications and she never complains. She is like the bestest ever...darn pet a girrll could have...and hey sweetheart you are the best of the best and I know that shit aint spelled right and all my grammar is' s too dang late and my brain hurts.....Just know that Purse-a-rella will been loved as well as you and if not more than you...sweet! You the Champ!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
MIA....I Have been Stripping....Ohhhhh Yeah
So, like you don't have to have a degree if you want to become a stripper, you can work days ...ummmm you don't wear any clothes..that is good cause all I have is scrubs... I might have a problem thought...I hear that you have to show your I am not 0ne for having a problem showing cleavage...I mean really the girls are out all the time...but lets face it I need the push up bra, I have never flashed the boobs, and there is that fact that you have to dance on a pole. While I dance for my boyfriend on a regular basis (he has a pole in the living room) I'm not sure that I am that coordinated. ...Plus I might be self conscious of my body...after the kid your body is never the same...
Okay Okay...I guess I am only going to be a stripper in my mind and well I really kind of like being a nurse...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Brother thank you because everyone's not able...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Bedside Ky Jelly Despenser...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Sh#@ that Plagues my Mind...
Just tell me is it wrong to go out with a guy again even though he has a "Star Wars" room? No really seriously my girlfriend said she went on several dates with a guy who was 28yrs old and had a Star Wars room. His room was completely packed full of star wars action figures and life size cut outs. She told me that she was adamant about not-dressing up as Princess Laya. WTF? May the force be with him.
That sh#@ plagues my mind.
I decided that after all the alcohol that I consumed this I should at least go out and try to work off some of the extra calories. Let's just say that this morning I could hardly get out of the bed. You see sometimes I for get that I am old and I shouldn't just run sprints and tumble like I did when I was in high school. Apparently, I haven't used most of my muscles in a while and my body is turning against me.
The sh#@ that plagues my mind.
I have recently been contemplating many new changes, moving on and figuring things out. I am leaving my job. I will still be an ER nurse but I will just be going to different hospital around the valley. I figure how hard it can be going to a new hospital every day, never knowing when you’re going to work and following different directions daily. Really can I just say that I am directionally challenged? I get lost all the time. Hey, I am new to the valley I have only been living here for 4 years. Change can be hard, but I felt the need to try something new and possibly gain more experience. Hopefully the agency will understand that I get lost more than I get found.
Oh the sh#@ that plagues my mind.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Oops I Did it Again...
While buying this book I kind of felt guilty, you know in that "Catholic girl" kind of way; the way that you hear your Mother telling you that "good girls" do not mention or talk about sex ever. Shamefully, I paid for the book and took it to the gym to read as I worked out. On my way, I had to say three Hale Marys' just for buying the book.
When I got home from the gym I decided to put on my saddle shoes, white shirt and pleated skirt. I bought the whole get-up for my boyfriend last week, but that is a whole different story. I thought when in Rome right? I lay across my bed and as I read-on I had a flood of memories come back to me. I remember all thoughts school days talking to my girlfriends in the hallways and at lunch about the "deed" ohhh how we where so completely wrong... Remember when you thought you could get pregnant from going to 2nd base? Or remember all the prayers you had to recite for thinking or talking about being a bad girl? Or my personal favorite, "you can't get pregnant if the guy pulls out."
My mother never gave my sister and me a clue about getting our periods'. No, No I had to learn about the "Monthly Visit" from every young girl’s bible, "Are You There God it's Me Margret”. Then of coarse there was sex education in 9th grade. We used Bananas to practice putting on condoms, imagine my disappointment years later when I would actually see a penis.
I am sure sure that every Catholic girl's mother must have told them that "If you get pregnant it will be the end of your life". The extent of my Mother's sex talk consisted of “If you get pregnant I will throw you out of the house and disown you". What can I say she was great at communicating and just knew knew how to make you feel so special and loved.
And these are the days of my life....
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
This Hurts I Swear...I Swear...
Recently my girlfriend has ventured out into the single world. I wish I could say that I was envious of this endeavor; however I am so blissfully happy in couple Dom that the endless amount of different hook-ups, different sized peni and random dry humping (apparently one have an orgasm this way) doesn't appeal in any way, shape, size (tehee) or form.
It is a good thing, however that I can help point my girlfriend in the right direction because because I always can talk about feelings with this friend. I sometimes tell myself that I am a relationship expert. I do, I know only for other people of coarse because we all know that when it comes to my relationship I can only fight via e-mail and I can never never let my boyfriend know how I feel. I'm sure if I told him how I really felt it might kill kill kill me dead; I might die. I expect him to read my mind instead. What? What's wrong with that? He is really starting to get the hang of it; good job "Engineer guy". I might be kind of delusional when I think about being a relationship expert, but work with me people. I am a trained professional (I laugh professional) ohhh if only they knew.
Any who, back to my girlfriend. I have to say fellow bloggers this is pretty painful to report, but my friends, family and poor boyfriend know that they are subject to being blogged about at anytime or situation; it is part of my charm. I keep telling my boyfriend he is famous in blog land and I am sure that he is almost falling for it. (well after that last blog and all) Score!
My Girlfriend has been texting me, calling me, reporting to me every EVERY detail of her now infamous 2-day relationship with the new guy. What can I say it has been a week of scandal?
Girlfriend: After our last make-out session you all know, where ummmm he gave me an A+ for my wax job. He has not called me. Do you think after 2 dates I went a little too far? Is this that double standard thing again?
Me: Well, you did have an orgasm dry humping; I wouldn't call it a total failure just yet. Isn't there like a 2-day rule when he is not suppose to call?
Girlfriend: I hate that rule. I am really just used to them stalking my every move and spending every free moment trying to spend time with me. You know hundreds of texts, frequent calls and many e-mail.
Me: This makes my brain hurt. So, really that didn’t work for you in the past. Why not? You know come up for air every-now-and-then. Step out of the box...see your friends...Me Me Me
I get the dreaded call yesterday...this part kills me.
Girlfriend says: I know why he didn't call back. He sent me an e-mail.
Me: Oh no not the death my e-mail?
Girlfriend: Yes, he says that I had really bad breath both times he made out with me for like 8 hrs, he suggested that I floss more.
Me: No way...well let's just say it didn't stop him from getting fresh with you. tehee fresh...
Girlfriend: Yeah I made an appointment with the dentist. I am soo embarrassed.
Me: "thinking" (okay this is a really bad excuse. He just wasn't into her and worse he was mean about it). What could I say?...for once I was a loss for words. I said, well your beautiful I never have smelled bad breath on you (this girl really takes care of herself I had a hard time believing this). Of coarse I never made out with her, but still I thought this was kind of cruel. I said, keep me informed I am here for you.
Girlfriend: I'm okay I'm not sure if I want to see him again, I really liked him.
Me: Scquez me? Are you kidding me? What is wrong with her? Painful...just painful.
So, I did what any girl in my position would do I called boyfriend and ask him if I have bad breath?
Engineer guy says: "Honey your breath is always horrible, but the sex is too good not to call you."
This from a man that loves me for my scallops. Yep, he definitely loves me.... its sooo obvious.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
This I know to be True...
2. Apparently one can have an orgasm just dry humping. My girlfriend called me this week to give me this news...who knew?
3. Apparently one can dry hump most of the night away and never even come close to knowing what size the guys peni is? My girlsfriend and I talked about this very subject for I donno 5 hrs staight. My boyfriend was out of town this week I had to entertain my self some how. Don't worry sweatheart...we had to discuss your peni too. What can I say it is the rules...Don't worry honey I told the truth....Swing..
4. You cannot stop me, you cannot destroy me for I am the cockroach of love.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
No really she thinks she looks good....

The apple does not fall far from the tree...
OMG what I have to look forward too:
My Ma has had the same hair style for like 20 yrs the 80's are OVER with. Please someone tell my Ma that perms are, I repeat perms are not in style. I tell her that you shouldn't color and perm your hair at the same time, but she doesn't listen to me. She tells me that she needs the perm for body and color cause she has premature grays. Ummm, sckewz me but ummm arn't you in your 50's premature Ha! Put down the aqua net, bangs are defininately not in Ma. She says she need the big bangs to take away from her wrinkled forhead. Okay I say, but ummmm do they have to be like 5 inches High.
Please say that you can change your destiny or I am going to end up with a perm, high bangs, jellies, boobs out (oh wait a minute I already do that) and short short skirts that I have no business wearing. Please when the apple falls let there be wind....
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey Ma You Never Fooled Us...

My exercise for the day consisted of driving to the grocery store and caring bags up the flight of stairs to get to my very roomy 500 sq feet apartment. While in the grocery story, I was reminded that while growing up my Mother was the king of queens when trying to convince my sister and me that indeed what she cooked was really chicken in disguise.
Here is how it would play out. My Ma decided for what ever reason that she would feed her blessed 2 young daughter a organ other wise known as the cleaner...I mean really what was she thinking really what was she thinking. Now we all know that this particular organ has an aroma that can never, I repeat can never be mistaken for chicken. My Ma would bread and fry it up, she would chop it up, she would even try cooking it in the crock pot as if to fool my sister and I...trying to make us think it was pot-roast. But I, I never was fooled by the concoctions that she would come up with. I always knew Mother...always that indeed the supposedly “meat” she was cooking was Liver...Nop never fooled no matter how much she tried to convince us... She would try and sell us the dinner by insisting that the liver was infact chicken... I had no choice but to feed the liver to the dog...and even then sometimes the dog wouldn't eat it...
Friday, February 23, 2007
I would like to say...
When I am work I can't control it...I some how takes over me and I feel the need to reach for it..
Oh I am sorry...your having chest pain..I reach for it
Oh your numb on the right side of your have had a stroke before..I reach for it
Oh you can't breath..hold on a minute..I need it
I am a Bath and body mentha lip tint -a -holic
I know I know it is a serious problem...I have called a therapits
You see I am always so worried that people will say you know that nurse...she has shitty breath..
The lip balm is just so minty and fresh...
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Good times in Florida
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Can I just be cheesy here for one moment. Good I thought so. This past year has been a year of complete growth and change. I left someone who I loved so deeply and I never thought I would find someone as wonderful as him. "Fire guy" Thank you for sharing just a glimps of time with me it was life changing. My current boyfriend is soooo sweet, kind, loving and just soooo great. Success does it really have to do with how much stuff we have, what class we see ourselves in, what kind of friends we have?? I just got back from Florida, met some really amazing people, stayed with my boyfriends friends and they were soooo great. I wouldn't change that experience for staying in a five star hotel, because we were living in the moment. Sharing the experience of really enjoying all the wonderful things about each other. Yes, success should be measured by the people that love you in your life, measured by the way that you live your life, and by the gifts that you give back to one another. Yes, in a day in age where it seems that people will judge one by the car that they drive or by the purse they carry. I am standing against the life I hope will be measured on the people I help, the love that I have for my man and I will never judge him no matter what comes our way, the kind of mother I am, ( i live to torchure the kid with my information) and by the people that love me. I hope all of you will do the same, live in the successful
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Country Girl Code
Rule #1. Drink Beer
Rule #2. Drink a lot of Beer
Rule #3. Find a country boy from West Virgina and Drink Beer
Rule #4. Fly to Florida to See your Man's home boy play Live, be astonished at talent of the Band and Drink a shit loads of beer.
Golden Rule: (you guys really got to check this shit out)
Rule #5. Become a West Virgina fan by default (your man 's from there you have no choice) OMG did he say I didn' t have a choice...I love it when he says that the more beer I drink...
Rule #6. Get pneumonia before flying to Flordia to see your man's home boy play live and still drink a ton of beer and party till like 4:00 am...
Rule # 7: Go through alcohol withdrawl the day you fly back to the desert and decide yep you definately need another beer...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Just a Couple of Tid Bits

I woke up yesterday at 3:30 in the afternoon (hey I worked the night before) I got all glammed up(you know boobs out) and rushed to my boyfriends house to watch the Super bowl with our friends and I awoke this morning not knowing who won.
Apparently, the bottle of wine I drank had something to do with that. I wondered if I had fun? I scratched my head pondering the fact. My boyfriend did not complain about me embarrassing him this morning. Maybe he doesn't remember either.
I then wondered if he poked me with his channel changer, I think he did. I did not ask, I thought that he could keep that one for himself. I have been told that there is a difference between having intimate relations with Drunk darn girl and sober darn girl.
Really? It must like getting 2 girls in lucky is he.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Just a Few worries I'm okay
Don't worry I treated him anyway with the shot...
I some how broke my thumb off...
Don't worry it wasn't really broken off...but definatley swollen and bruised..
I lost the fight with the weights....trying to keep up with my new diet...
I was sent this story in the mail. I thought I would share the smile.
Good pick up line
A Navy pilot walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman. He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment. The woman notices this and asks, "Is your date running late?" "No," he replies, "I just got this state-of-the-art watch, and I was just testing it." The intrigued woman says, "A state-of-the-art watch? What's so special about it?" The Navy pilot explains, "It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically." The lady says, "What's it telling you now?" "Well, it says you're not wearing any panties...." "The woman giggles and replies, "Well it must be broken because I am wearing panties!" The Navy pilot smirks, taps his watch and says, "Damn thing's an hour fast."
kand that's all I got for ya!!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Some Things Gots to Change Around Here...

Whilst in Dallas I was can you say a lump on a log. I think my Father the Marine would be sooooo disappointed in me if he knew how lazy I have been this past week. I mean it I swear, I swear things are going to change before I can like fit into my skinny jeans (I am pushing it). Semper Fi Amy Semper Fi, Suck it up as my Father would say. I say to my self, "Self I think I can I think I can". The following is in no particular order.
1: Masturbate at least once a week, hey this is not not for sexual pleasure I swear, it is to release chemicals in my brain that will help me reach homeostasis. ( You brought that right?)
2. Go to the Gym at least 4 times a week. If I start to slack I am going to kick my own arise and I will not let my self Masturbate as punishment and then you know that homeostasis ..I swear it is not sexual I swear...
4. Eat better food. Why my fridge right now has plenty of raw veggies...I am forced to eat them I have nothing else, unless I start to eat my own arm off. Which in case I am kind of vain and need my arm. I have every variety of Rice cakes -that is known to all man in my cabinets (but they taste so good I swear).If I try to cheat, I will not allow myself to masturbate and we all know what that means no homeostasis...It's not sexual I swear...
6. Wright down everything I'm not anal'; will not wright down what I eat so surly I will not eat that much...
7. And there you have it, some things got to change around here...
Monday, January 22, 2007
A Couple of Reasons Why....

So, I am in Dallas the Big D for a couple of days, suddenly a flood of memories come over me and I realized why I left.
One year for my birthday I agree to go on a date with a new guy. He picked me up in a plush red crushed velvet interior, no airconditioning, old beat up car. The car started smoking as we left the safety of my house. Before the car caught on fire we made it to the restraunt. After my date put out the fire (I might ad that I was not impressed with his firefighting techques), we decided to eat and have some alcohol(to kill my embarrassment, lots of alcohol cause it is the answer for everything). After my date had several drinks, he disclosed the one thing that would seal the deal( Seal his fate forever as if the car ordeal was not enough). He told me he had a fake Ball...Nutt, Testical... Ballas, Nugget if you will...
And after everything that transpired he still had the Ball to call me...
I once Dated a Chiroprator who was from Canada that should have been my first clue. We met out at the cove. Fun, times my girls and I were living it up having some drinks when he swept me up in his Adam Sandler (before he was fat) looks, and crack up personality. Hey I like to laugh and I was getting ready to go to Nursing School we had a lot in common. The he took his hat off. OMG No, don't say it. The man was not even 30yrs old and he had a toupee. Oh it was a expensive toupee (can you say Epoxy , GLUE to his head), He would get the old ""Hair Cut", wink wink...every 6 weeks ( I might ad that he was extrememly emotional for this event) . After I had gone out with this guy for a couple of months. Hey, he was fun, nice, successful, and I thought if I pretend that it wasn't there then maybe it was just a figment of my imgination. One day he comes to me and says I have something to tell you...I say please don't tell me cause then cause then it will be true...
I couldn't handle the truth Jack..I just couldn't handle the truth...
(I have affinity for the Movie, " A Few Good Men")
One time one time...Okay you getting the picture...I have been on a lot of bad first dates and dated of couple of guys that were can we say questionalble at the very least. Hey, I'm a nice girl it could happen to anyone...a toupee here and there...a fake ball ever now and then...
Go figure?
Friday, January 19, 2007
At 86yrs Old I Think You Might Be....

So, tell me what is going on with you??
86yrs old: you have beautiful teeth, I used to be a dentist, and that was when dentist did surgery and why I even help birth babies.
Me: Wow, thanks want to tell me why your here today.
86yrs old: You have really nice hair, who does your high lights.
ME: I do my own hair thanks, ummmm you want to tell me what's wrong with you tonight?
86yrs old: You have beautiful long eyelashes, you know I graduated 2nd in my class when I when to dental school. The only person that beat me was a guy that was a MD first.
Me: Really, so are you having chest pain tonight is that why you are here? (His daughter is at the bedside urging her father to tell me about his chest pain)
86 yrs old: You have really nice boobs too...
Me: skews me?...I laugh did he just say that you have really nice boobs?
And there you have it...86yrs. old man I think you just a little too old for me, but thanks for the complements...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
This is Why I am Messed up...

Me: Ma do you have to be topless in the swimming pool (my mother has Double D's to die for and still standing at attention; she knows this) I think the neighbor is looking at you through the fence.
Ma: What the neighbors never seen boobs before? It's hot out and I am in my own back yard.
Me: Ma please put at least a T-shirt on...
Ma: No...Porque it hot that's why...
Me: I give up. This is what is wrong with me...
Hey "GYM GUY" that white skin tight shirt that you wear the the gym is not attractive...
I just thought I would put that one out there...
Friday, January 12, 2007
I Said It...I'm Such Dork

It is the ever so sequential moment in a person’s life where one opens their heart and tells their Boyfriend/Girlfriend that they indeed LOVE them..
Thoughts of you that know me know that I am not about feelings( Damn it Jim I’m a Marine). I would rather eat grubs in a rain forest, I would rather strip naked and go streaking through the parking lot (Oh wait a minute I think I have already done that not so painful), I would rather be subjected to watching basketball for 48 days and nights(I can only handle so much beer at one time), and I would rather make out with David Hasselhoff…okay let’s not go that far.
I would rather do all of thoughts things than tell “Engineer Guy” in person that I really Love him. It is a mystery to why I can tell all of the blog world my most intimate details or share the gross stories of my life (like when I was shit on at work, hold on Steve I am getting to that story).
I have obsessed about this moment for the last month. I knew that the time would come that I would have to really tell him how I feel about him. Here is the problem we both are people that have a hard time with talking about our emotions. I was a dinner with my girlfriend the other night and she says to me, “I don't understand all of the text messages you guys send to each other” or the fact that when I really have to tell him something personal I must write to him via e-mail. I tell her I am not sure; it is like I need a filter. I need to filter my feelings through any means necessary. What’s wrong with me?? She is unsure, but offers the fact that I am from Arkansas. I concur.
So, Love was in the air the other night, and I was feeling somewhat brave (I think that is the wine talking). My sweetheart is of town right now with a cold and runny nose(my poor baby). I am feeling he needs a little bit of my love. I think it is time to tell him that I love him. I open my phone to call him, then decide I should just text him (thank Goodness for technology). I write, “I love you J” and there you have it. The moment I have been obsessing over for the past month or so. He writes back, “ this is not how I imagined telling you, but I love you too”.
Awe, he loves me too. Yep, we are in touch with each other. He’s from the country too. I think this is how all country folks relay their feelings for each other…Awe, My heart skips a beat he loves me...
I'm such a dork...
Monday, January 08, 2007
Some Little Unknown Facts About Me....
Maybe because I fell guilty because everyone is always telling me their most personal informations like...ummmm One time guy comes in and is like I am having chest pain...his heart rate 151...and he is like my balls are sticky.
What? Chest pain + sticky Balls (Testicals people, Nuts)= using Crack...
I say come clean and tell me what you have been doing...He says,"okay, I have been smoking crack and hanging out with some girls...well I think theiy were girls" about TMI
1. I am a bacterica Phobe...I can't eat chicken or any meat that has been left out for more than 30 minutes. I can't eat meat that has any sign of freezer burn.
2. I love to pop zits..I am somewhat obessessive about the boil. My poor boyfriend gets put through the picking machine every time I see him. He knows this fact about me and tolerates it only because He gets my juice box, or at least that is what he tells me. Poor guy grew up in a family that is not touchy feely and then he gets to be apart of my family that will make out with you(even slip you the tongue if you don't watch out) when they meet you for the first time...
3. My car contains shoes,( lots of them). clothes, the kitchen sink, socks, various shades of lipstick, tampons, millions of little peices of paper that I might need to write on one day so I can't get rid of them, a blanket (just in case I get stuck in a bilizzard. Hey I know I live in the desert but you just never know), and tide detergent. That is not even including the trunk...let's not go there.
4. I must light candles, put on mood music, no one can be in the house, the lights must be turned down and I must say to myself ,"It is okay everyone is doing it". This all has to take place when I go to the bathroom and that is just to pee cause that is all I do... nothing else. I swear I swear.
5. I am chronically on the phone. I think that I would die...die with out my phone with me. It is like my life line. I am always always on the phone talking with my friends and family. If my phone is not attached to my ear permently; it is attached to my arse.
So, there you have it. Not as interesting as Chest pain+ Sticky Balls= smoking crack, but that is all I got for ya!!
Go figure?
Friday, January 05, 2007
Did I do That??

Remembering the most embarrassing moments in my life...
So a couple of years back, (many) I went on my tri-annual visit to my girlfriend Kristin's house in another state. This girlfriend of mine and I had the best time together; during the year when we were apart I think the phone might have grown to our ears...ahhh the times.
When I would visit her we would always hang out with this particular group of friends; some girls and some guys. Well, this particular night we had an apartment party at our friends' house that lived close to ASU campus. They had a cute apartment that included a very expensive red couch. Hey, I am just saying this is a good point to know during this story.
So, someone got out the Captain (cause we were a spicy group) and we all started drinking and playing drinking games. (I know you ‘all are thinking not Amy? I know it is hard to believe hu?) I think there were a couple of shots, maybe some random making out with some of they guys at the party and then I fell a sleep on the red couch. Somewhere about 4ish to 5ish in the morning I started to feel a little sweaty, a little stomach rumble and the room started spinning. I threw-up on the red couch; yes I know I repeat I threw-up on the red couch. (Tacky I know what can I say it was the Captain's fault).
John and Kristin my bosom buddies decided to help me out by cleaning the red couch up with a clearer that included bleach in it. I awoke not really remembering this moment in time where I vomited on the red couch or the fact that they did me a favor by cleaning me and the couch up. So imagine my surprise to awake and open my eye-balls gently (I had a raging headache, Nooo really your saying?) to the white spot on the couch. Maybe if I act like it is not really there they will not notice. Darn I do not think that will work. I die...dead. I apologize feeling really embbarrassed and John and Kristin try to come to my aid by relaying the fact that they were in deed the ones who cleaned the red couch. My friends say it is okay, but you know they had to tell that story everytime someone wondered about the white spots on their red couch. Died...dead.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Okay what was I thinking...
I was like self you have had plenty of time off lately for the holidays, right? Why not move into the New Year by up- dating my blog and giving it a new look.
Okay why did I ever do that cause now I can't see who post their comments...they all say anonymous????
How do I fix this???
Please Help...