Sunday, February 25, 2007

Hey Ma You Never Fooled Us...

My exercise for the day consisted of driving to the grocery store and caring bags up the flight of stairs to get to my very roomy 500 sq feet apartment. While in the grocery story, I was reminded that while growing up my Mother was the king of queens when trying to convince my sister and me that indeed what she cooked was really chicken in disguise.
Here is how it would play out. My Ma decided for what ever reason that she would feed her blessed 2 young daughter a organ other wise known as the cleaner...I mean really what was she thinking really what was she thinking. Now we all know that this particular organ has an aroma that can never, I repeat can never be mistaken for chicken. My Ma would bread and fry it up, she would chop it up, she would even try cooking it in the crock pot as if to fool my sister and I...trying to make us think it was pot-roast. But I, I never was fooled by the concoctions that she would come up with. I always knew Mother...always that indeed the supposedly “meat” she was cooking was Liver...Nop never fooled no matter how much she tried to convince us... She would try and sell us the dinner by insisting that the liver was infact chicken... I had no choice but to feed the liver to the dog...and even then sometimes the dog wouldn't eat it...


briliantdonkey said...

Ahhhh liver. You either love it or hate it. There is NO middle ground whatsoever. I love it once in a while myself. Being the 2nd youngest of 8 and the only other one besides my mom that liked it we didn't get it often which is just as well. It does get old pretty quick.


mist1 said...

I've never had liver that wasn't in the form of pate.

Angel said...

God, my mother would do the same thing! But she would tell my brother and me that it was sirloin steak, with bacon and onions. Ya, sounds real good until you take a bite of it...I wouldn't eat REAL sirloin steak FOR YEARS cuz I thought it would taste like that! thank goodness I found out the truth cuz I love some cow!

Art_Fulldodger said...

Found you through Superstar. I had to laugh when I read this because my Dad would do the exact same thing. Only he called it Swiss Steak. I was young and dumb and fell for it a couple of times. The last straw was seeing it before he cooked it. I almost spewed chunks then and can't look at it to this day!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.