Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
The wind break...what is wrong with that??
I know right, I was in shock I was in dismay...I did not know what to do...
Half of my bumper was hanging off on the passengers side...thank goodness I was okay because lord knows you must be dieing and going into cardiac arrest if ur going to call in to work...
I'll just take an Advil and forget about the whip bash and headache for right now...
I warn my fellow worker that I am doped up on the Advil...I might not be thinking correctly...I might not be on my how do we say … P’s & Q’s or what have not…
So, for a week or so I drive around with a wind best friend says have to get that bumper fixed, your driving much slower due to the wind break in the back...that flapper has to go...Your car is not I repeat not a bat-mobile. What do you think that your are a pilot?...breaking the wing to help you to stop at the red light...
I say how do I fix the bumper if I have no money due to the peanuts that I work for....I do not think that the mechanics will take peanuts for payment...he says lets get out the super glue...
Okay then…we get out the super, super glue and a bolt or two and now my bumper is no longer a wind breaker…why I can almost not tell I was hit from behind by a Scooby do van…or maybe just a little….
Friday, December 22, 2006
Meeting the Parents...
I of coarse can't wait till Christmas to give Engineer Guy his presents because I think I am clever and I get him a Dane Cook CD that cracks me up...can you tell I love to laugh?...entertain myself as you will...
I haven’t see him much in the past couple of weeks and I am meeting his parent's for the first time on Christmas...What??"Eyes Open Wide" and I am not talking about the movie or is that "Eyes Wide Open Shut"
His Mother is Grammar genius and well we all know that that is not my strong point...I'm a lover not a speller...I am nervous...hey I talk to people all the time...didn't I go to his work party and say, "Okay the party can start now I am here"... Why am I so nervous...I do not think she bites....She did one time tell him to suck it up and quit playing football like a pussy...She can be as mean as my mother; so I should be trained right?
Maybe I should talk to her about the Dane Cook CD where he say..."How to make a statement at a party, go to the coat room...Shit on or around the coats then walk out. After walking out make a statement, OMG I think someone shit on the coats...OMG did someone shit on my coat; it smells like shit in here...then gracefully'll be the talk of the party and no one will know it is you"
What do you think?? Will it go over well???
We give each other only one present and I only see him for a couple of minutes I am working a lot this week...I open his card whilst the card sings We wish you a Merry Christmas in is a thoughtful full
I wonder does the massage have a happy ending? I might need a little release after meeting the parents...
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The Boyfriend sent this to me, I thought I would he trying to tell me something??
1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt1 cup of brown sugar
Lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
Instructions:Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Cuervoagain to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffybowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to makesure the Cuervo is sill OK, try another cup just in case.Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuckin the cup of dried fruit, Pick the frigging fruit off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add aspoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the drink, finish the Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Talk

He says mom please do we have to talk about this?? He is all red and blotchy...I say yes son with the medical dictionary by my side and a condom. I say open it up...he looks at me as if I am crazy...but I know that kids his age are experimenting and I am worried for his safety...As he pulls the condom out he is wondering what the H E double hockey sticks I am about to tell him...I keep it medical, showing him pictures of STD's making him aware of what is out there...I tell him that if he chooses to do "something" he should always be armed like a soldier and that really "something" should only be shared with someone very special, someone that he is married to... I let him know that I do not approve of casual "somethings" but if he chooses to do "something" that he should always be armed...he says okay okay mom enough I know I know...but I know that he does not know...then he tells me mom a girl at school said she wants to go with know circle yes or no kind of thing...I say what did you say...he says my heart hurt to tell her no...I said why did you tell her no...."grasp, my heart is hurting right now as I gulp for air" He says, well I heard your voice in my head saying that it's not time, I'm not ready for that kind of thing."Me holding back the tears, and my heart full of pride" I say son I am proud of you, you made the right choice. Wow, I must be doing something right...I mean I know that I am going to mess him up somehow don't we all, but darn that kid...he is just the best of the best... and the torcher continues as I arm him with all kinds of information to help him become a successful productive adult. I have no worries though I know that above and beyond all… he will have the same out look on life as I have “Faith, Truth, Honor and Never Judging Others”...these are the things that are important in life...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Un-Official.... Official First Fight.....

Here is how it starts...Its Engineer guy's birthday...So, I take him to a nice dinner..susi and sake...ummmmm yeah sake is the key word here...He drinks 3 sake/ beers...
I am telling one of my fabulous stories...hey...(they are interesting)...and I say the word "FUNNER"...OMG what is he the Grammer Police...
He says honey.."FUNNER" is not a word...
Wait a min. arn't we out at dinner where you are drinking having a good time and you stop by correcting my grammer???? What are we like in 3rd grade...what is it against the law to talk country...hey my family is from Arkansas...what do you want...and up tight crachity old English Major...
I make it through dinner still trying to make his day special...he's 29...what do boys know anyway?? ...but then then...we go back to his place where we are hanging out with his roomate (who is a hoot..funny, this guys a sweetheart) and he brings up the fact that I say the word "FUNNER" ...Roomate guy (by the way these guys are from West Virgina how much more red-neck does it get?) says what are you the grammer police...
I sat good night to roomate guy and go to bed...Engineer guy comes in the room and says, I know that your mad at me I am sorry...I was...ummm it is a bad habit that I learn from my Mother...I did not mean in any way to make you feel as if I thought you were dumb....I'm really sorry...I turn over...he says with his breath smelling of sake and beer...I really care about you...I do...(are we talking feeling here cause you know I am not about feelings)
I tonight was not as funner as last night....
and that was it...the unofficial official fight.....
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Proof that I was in love with aqua net hair spray

Monday, December 04, 2006
The Weekend Christmas Party
I walk in and people I hardly know...okay the party can start now...
Wine.... can I say I drank a lot of wine...
It was fun we laughed...we talked...okay I mostly talked...what's wrong with me...I can't ever turn it off...
Engineer sweet...I'm sorry about spilling the wine on your nice pink shirt...(he could pull it off...the pink shirt I mean) I wanted him to pull it off..tehee...just a joke...I make myself laugh at times...very easy to amuse myself...
Oh yeah and for spilling wine in the could really could
Friday, November 24, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
That's right I did it...I did I remember it though
I mean...I am not seeing anyone else and ummmm we never talk about anything serious so that sounds like the feelings right...
Friday....he says sweetheart ummmm I really need to finish this last baseball game do you want to come with me...Im like ummmm is there beer there...and ummmmm your going to hit the ball cause I can't go home with you if you is just how it is....
I say sure I can meet the folks that you work problem...and well there is beer there so I am good...maybe I had a little too much could happen...the liver is evil and it must be punished...that is all I am any how...I have really been wanting to ask him how he feels about me cause you know we are both not about feelings...(except when I have been drinking then it is no holds
bars) ...
J: I say...on the way do you feel about me...I need to know...really...I have been wondering I know that he cares but I wan to hear it...
why wouldn't I ?
He says how do I feel....well I never taken anyone around the people I work with....
Me: so seriously how do you feel...lets just get down to the raw deal...he says I really like you and I like crazy so we are good...
Just like Greg B says....he is attentive is he is all in...and if not he is just not that into will know...
Point in case...I woke like ohhh crap did I say that know I have to be the one that doesn't care as much....
He's sweet...he is loving and he handles my crazyness...what more could I ask for ....
J, I really care about you too...but ummmm let's not tell him that
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Score..Did I Just Say That Out-Loud, I Think I Did
You know that you are happy again when the little things make you so much your face starts to hurt...
ahhhh life is sweet..
Thoughs of you that know me..have read my crazy, painful, crack-up up stories and know that in May I was just not...not one happy camper..but I' back...that's it... I said it... I'm back
I found myself...I found that girl that everybody missed...that girl that laughs so much at the stupid little things in life... that girl that cracks her ownself up...that's right she is back with full force..
I mean...Okay so you know...that well Dr. GoldenRod pretty much was the only person to see that girl in May..that's cause well you know...He's ummmm Dr. GoldenRod and one day one day...I will pull him in the clean utility room..but ummm until then he still keeps me on my toes and makes me smile...
Life does have thoughs funny ways of making up for all the bad times...last night "mister guy" text me...says he misses me and would like to see me and the kid... wants me to know that he thinks of me often and really still loves me soooo sooo much...
I text him back and say and I really ment it...sorry but things are different for me now...I am sorry but I can't see you...I just can't...I don't want too...really I have no interest in seeing him ever again and then and then...
I get in my car and drive to "Engineer guy's" house...ahhhh I haven't seen him in 10 days...our lips meet...I feel my heart beat he draws me closer to him.... and the rest is history...The chemistry between us is electric...and I am amazed...
Yep, I love this crazy, beautiful, special, sometimes crazy painful amazing life...
Score...did I just say that out-loud, yes I think I did..all I can say is wow...WOW
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Feel them up...
I guess I have never been one to close my mouth...lesson learned...keep your feelings to your self...unless of coarse your writting on your blog then it is fair game right??
Off one soap box on another one... all those wonderful women out there...check your all your girlfriends and bug feel themselves up...every month...
Life is beautiful...pass on the message
Off soap box....
Monday, October 02, 2006
Wonder Twins Power Activate....
Oh yeah I wanted to always play the twins...I was the girl and my cousin was the boy...he would always turn into water...while I would turn into a hawk...something with flight powers cause I just thought that was so darn cool....
You would put you fist together and yell to the top of your lungs....Wonder powers activate...ahhh thoughs were the easy
These days I turn to my friend...the one with the baboo butt at verious times...Wonder twin...I say...activate... know who you are...for always being there for me....even though I am not about feelings...cause...I'm just not...he knows my heart...and well...I would not trade him for the world....
I will never ask you to deactivate...just remember you
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Life in Like a Box of Chocolates...U Never Know What Your Going to Get
Self Forest's mother was right when she said life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to get...most of the time life is sweet, but sometimes you get that chocolate that you just don't like....
I have come to realize that "Mister Guy" is my Mr. Big (Sex in the City)and no matter how I look at matter how much he loves me it will never work...I have realized this...oh it still hurts but I have realized that the fight is over and I am throwing in the towel...I can no long float like a butterfly and sting like a bee...
The amazing thing is all this time I have been dating random guys mostly all that I have not been attracted to or ones that I think only want my body...(or maybe that is just a figment of my imagination) but let me have the dream people...
I have met one guy that through it all has never changed who he was... has given me space when I have needed it and who has put a smile on my face...He's younger...he's smart and he is a family person who cares sooo deeply from what I can tell...He is patient and kind beyond...he treats me like a princess...
I have realized people are different and no one will be my fire fighter one will be Mister guy...but there will be someone who is sweet...who I am attracted too...who makes me smile...who makes me feel important and special...who respects me and what I do and will listen tooo all all my gross stories..and never fails me....hasn't lied to me...
It really is just the begining of our relationship, but I am hopeful...
Sometimes I tell my patients not to give up, that God sometimes has a bigger and greater life planned for us that we may not dream for ourselves....
Monday, September 25, 2006
What I did Today....
Cheecked my lots of e-mails from the online dating site of men way tooo old and unattrractive...(hey listen I am no gold digger dirty old men for me...) I get that enough at the hospital...old balls...I repeat...old balls...
Took a shower...shaved...
Got ready for a date...went to his apartment for got my phone had to drive home(nerved tha tthis time wanting to call the whole thing off and go back to bed) drove back home picked my phone up drove back to his house...went to dinner...enjoyed my conversation...did he hear me or was he just looking at my boobs the whole time???
Drove home thought...he is only interested in my body...when am I going to find someone who interested in both. my body and mind.....hey I'd give it up all the time for the right person...
Read my blog lovers blog...he finally came around and found out that I am the one...the one for him cause I know all the dirty things he likes to do the fear in his flies the fire in his flies...I the one that's buzin aroudn his head...he know's me...he know's me....
and then and then...I drink 4 beers and go to the couch...what can I say my day has been productive...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Lady says to nanna is really getting old...last week she was lining up her poo in a row...
Me: What?
Lady: yeah...she also like smears her poo on the windows and in her hair and all over her body...
Me: What???
Lady: yeah...she also collects her hair that has fallen out...she rolls it out it a ball...
Me: What??? my mind is deboggled...
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Things that make you want to ummmmm...
I can just vision it now...the bag explodes and crap is all over her and the new bright and shiny ER rooms..complete with flat TV screens....
Wow I have met my nemisi...I can't handle ostomy bags and their tendencys to explode..
Go Figure?
Monday, September 18, 2006
A Blast from the Past
I get a call from AL-B's best friend at the time( no more he is a virtious man and saw what lieing can do to a person) a blast from the past...he is no longer a EMT he is a full fledge Paramedic...can you say 16 G wow...I am impressed..he says missed proud of made it you really made it...I say of coarse did you think that I would let him....him...break me...I was destine to be to be the ER nurse I am today...Paramedic guy I am proud of you did made it too...Good to hear from you and how you saved that little girls life....I am hear for you....I you let me cry on your shoulder not so long ago....
thanks....thanks....paramedic thoughts are with you...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Just when...Just When...
You can always...always turn on Jerry Springer and find something that makes you feel as if you are living like a Queen...
I turned the chanels today as I was surfing the TV..and there they were...28yr female..engaged to a 37 yr male...who was sleeping with a 19yrl girl that they paid 2500.00 dollars to to birth their baby...
That is not even the worst of it...28 yr old let's her man have sex with the 19 yr...19 yr old falls for the 37 yr old...
Okay...WTF?? can I just say...this guy was topless on Springer with man boobs that look as if he had nursed a baby and all the plump fell out of them...I mean they were swinging throught the wind...people swinging...they were almost hanging down to his navel....
Can you say swing...and Oh his stomach was swinging mean wow...
so when you think that your life is going bad you can always always...turn on Springer and find someone more pitiful than your self....Holy Moly...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The Juice and the Box
Me: Why does Mister Guy still call me and torcher me by telling me that he still loves me and really would like to work things out with me...seems that since he has dated other girls he has figured out that infact he still loves me...
Friend: It's your Juice Box...he misses your juice box..
Me: when he had my juice box he hardly ever wanted all of a sudden he wants it...
Friend; This is about control...other people want your juice box so now he wants is like the cave man sydrome...if he has you then he feels like he is in control...
Me: Why do men...why when they have your juice box they do not want it as much as if it is not as exciting...and what are men willing to do for the juice box...
Friend: Men if they want your juice box they will do just about anything to get it...
Me: well...he is not ever going to get even so much as a peak at my juice box..
we are are in 2006 and still are like cavemen
Go Figure? I think I would like to try another straw...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
My Random Thoughts of the Day
That’s right that's right clingers...can't the girl get a break..My night went by so fast my head was almost spinning...
Turnin around right round baby right round...
Dr. so and so was there and all I got to say is...ummm it is okay that he was flirting with me all night?...ahhhh yeah I liked it...really..No harm done right...I'm profession I never go pass the line and like grab him and pull him to an empty room and ahhhh like make-out with him...but ahhh yeah I might have wanted to...Darn no empty rooms...
What a girl can fantasize right?
I got a random e-mail from a guy that claimed that when I started my on-line dating adventure that he had in fact talked to me on the phone and a shared ever-so- many e-mails with me…ahhhh yeah…do I remember? Nooooo…and I certainly did not remember the porn photos he sent me either…OMG…WTF?? he sent a frontal pic that pretty much showed all of his package standing attention …giving me the salute …Semper Fi Amy ... Semper Fi …I mean I mean I could see his pubs (neatly trimmed I might add a landing strip) in all…( light brown in color)…Gee guy..ahhh thanks for the free porn pictures ….I think…..
Uhhhh should we give him an A + or just an A for effort…
Contents of my purse: 2 lip glosses…Oh not just any lip glosses…they were only only a dollar each and and they are glittery…Of most importance…almost as important as how much I paid for them…
My purse has several..okay many little peaces of paper…do I need these papers…no they only get in the way when I try to give the cashier lady pennies and then they end up with the pennies…and then and then…cashier lady says I do not need you little scraps of paper…shie’t sorry…I thought you did…..
My purse also has random coins lingering at the bottom of my purse just waiting for me to use them so that so that they are no longer lonely hanging loosely by themselves…
More later on the contents of my purse…My brain hurts from having to think too much last night…I know I am surprised to that I can actually critically think..and heyyyyy I think my professors would be surprised too….
p.s....I need some chocolate...chocolate anyone..not for me for my brain...I swear
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Oh What a Night Late December Back in 63 '
No,wine is not the answer today...
So, you ask me what is it making you smile today...making you proud (I am infact pushing out my chest "boobs") out right now cause well....I am sooo proud...
Why you ask?...what could make her gleam with pride...what could make her tap dance in in the shower...what could make me wear my blue eye shadow out tonight and not even even care what other girls think.....No it is not a man this time...
Most of the time ...but not this time...
You know those people that you work with...the ones from New York that are brasen to say the very least...the ones that will chew you up and spit you a piece of very old gum...or chew... tehee
Well, yeah so there is this Female Dr. I work with...and to say the very least...she is tough on the nurses...she once told a seasoned nurse that she should be a hostess...not even a waitress..Yikes...I in fact tippy toe around her most of the time as I clumsly try not to do things wrong..Hey I'm new...
Last night...last night she said to me...Amy good call...thanks for saving my butt....
What? I was in shock...I looked behind me (finger pointing to my chest "boobs") to look for another nurse named Amy...No she was infact talking to me....Wow...I mean Wow...
What a feeling...something something somthing...dancing throught the night....yeahhhh
Oh yeah that's me again the beat of my own drum...yeah I have been asked if I road the short bus to school.. and well I,hip hop hurray for the short bus....
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Dare I say it...
Other day: I pondered to myself...what is the sweetest thing a man has ever said to you??
HMMMMMMMM...dare I say it...I mean what will people in blog land think of me...and then and then...I was reading a favorite fellow bloggers blog and she said...some people some people hide behind their if to have this make-belief character...that is not at all who they are...and I said to myself... is riska'...should you tell it...can we talk sex here...I mean if i can tell you all about my friends bamboo ass I guess I can tell you what is the sweetest thing a man ever told me....and I quote this is straight from his mouth...
I mean does it get any sweeter than this....
Last night was amazing.....I haven't had chemistry like that with somebody in a long time....or sex with somebody as beautiful as you ever. = ) I have to admit that I was shocked everything happened too but like you said we only live once.
and there you have it...ahhh the memories...I degress...I have to look fondly back at my life...
Go figure?....
These Are My Conversations..What's Wrong With Me...
Friend: my stomach is tore up too...I have like been in the bathroom ten times today..
Me: Really ar you okay?
Friend: Yes, I am fine but my ass feels like a bamboo butt...
Me: Really...a bamboo butt?? was it my dinner??
Friend: No it was the taco bell I ate today or maybe it was the 12 beers I had last night..
Me: Do you ahhhh have hemrroids??Do you need me to take a look at your butt??
Friend: No I do not have hemrroids and I do not need you to look at my bamboo butt hole??
Me: Why not? how do you know that you do not have hemrroids?? I might need to take a look...I mean I am a nurse...I see that sort of thing all the time...
Friend: I have had hemrroids before because one time one time I pushed to hard...and I felt them...
Me: Are you sure that you do not need me to look?? when did you have hemrriods...
Friend: No, you haven't see my bamboo butt before and your not looking at it...and I am sure that I do not have hemrroids...and I am not telling you when I had hemrroids...
Me: I'm sorry that your butt feels sore and like a bamboo butt...
Friend: thanks...I mean for caring about my sore bamboo butt...
What is sad people is that this kind of talk goes on all the time...I can't turn it off never ends..I almost talked him into it thougth...I almost had him...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
UMMMM Yeah So.....
I yeah my family will pick your head until it is picked clean of zits...and they may drink a little to much and then go thought the Carls Jr. drive though at like 3:00 am in the morning and then say, "hey burrito guy"(me saying, there's no burrito guy here this a fast food burger joint sister) while she is swirling her underwear around her pointer finger....hey burrito guy...look at me there are no carne asda burritos here with guacamole and sour cream...
Okay so it has come to my attention that some families have weird ways of dealing with accidents…Picture this…17 male 2nd degree burns to the face, neck and arms…and what do they do…family puts egg…then get this…toothpaste…and then and then…they put mustard…mustard??? WTF Can you say ouch…seriously no seriously what were they thinking??? Don’t worry all…the doctor at first thought that he was at a hot dog stand when it somehow blew up and splashed mustard and mayo all over him…but then we kinda got the story...and oh yeah despite the side condiments he is fine…
Go figure?
Saturday, August 19, 2006
What's Wrong With ME...
I said I really do not think that I will like it...I only like the really deal...
I'm not sure I can handle the drama...and I think I see this kind of stuff all the time at work...
Yep...sucked guessed it people I have been watching the videos of "NIP & TUCK"
Wow and I thought I had a crazy drama life...not anything like Christians...
Sex...drugs...rock-in-roll....could it get any better than this...
I degress...yes...i have turned to the TV to make my life exciting....or at least to get a glimps of someone having mind blowing sex....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
So you think you can dance....
and who do I see at my my gym...mister " I live to torcher you doctor guy" let me explain...
Single ER doctor that I love to torcher...who thinks I am completely an idoit...or at least he knows that I am realy really new since I handed him an ET tube backward and he like hit the respritory therapist(slap) with it...ohhhh my bad I claim...sorry this is my first intibation...yes I am an idiot.. Sure ahhh yeah I know what I am doing...
I feel bad for him...he says to me at the you go to this gym uhh?...OUCH...maybe he is her again....
Quick...I act like I know what I am doing lifting the chest I am really clumbsy do my job...but...ahhhh i can work out...are you impressed.??..I degress...I am afraid not he probably doesn't even care...
why me...really why me...
One just wait one day....
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Can you say...ummmmm Hard as a Rock
I think it is his really long string dyed blond hair..or that fact that he feathers it up in the front where it like sticks out bigger than my bangs that I had in high school...
Or maybe it is all his kids...he has nine or that fact that he likes to hunt fugatives...or the tight leather pants or Big Big can of Mace....I not really sure what it is but he is my new facination....
So, can you say hard as a rock...okay this is not even if your swimish do not read this part...but you know know that I love to gross everyone out...
Here is goes...ummmmm at what point do you seek out medical help...really do you like wait untill you arm falls off...or wait untill your whole leg is black and necrotic, oozing green stuff...smelling like something died in it and then say hey...maybe I should like get that looked at...
So...ever heard of Priprism......Ohhhh the errection that's right I said errection that last more than 4-6 hrs...
Well let's just say people if you have an errection that last for more than 4-6 hours due to the new drugs like Viagra or Cealis...Get help...I repeat get help...
Do not wait because if you do.... your Peni might fall off...that's right people I said it your Penis(penis, penis, penis...I love saying that) might fall off...
So, the other day someone had priprism...his errection started at 6:00 am and he did not seek help until 11:00 pm...I think he was told it might fall off...we had to drain it...that's right I said drain it...he looked like frankinstein..with two neelde inserted (i told you not everyone could handle this story) bilaterally at the base of Peni.....
and the moral to this not wait untill your legs, arms, Penis...fall off to get might just fall off if you don't....
Sunday, August 13, 2006
MIA...can you say Missing in Action....
I know I am emotional right now...It's PMS...there I said it...PMS
PMS aka for I have been really bitchy and emotional all at the same time...
How can this happen to me...darn...darnnnnn
So, anywho...whilst I try to figure out the broken peices of my life...I have been having some the sun...
but still have many things to work guessed it..most of all of this has to do with "Mister Guy" who still has not stopped calling...
Am I destined to have this pain linger amounst my heart fer ever...
well...more later I must get ready for work...where at least all the crazies love me...
Friday, August 04, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
What the F@#$ was I thinking??
Let's just say that although I loved the Hip Hop class ( I could not remember all of the moves to save my life and watching other people confused me more)...but hey I loved the work reminded me of my old dancing days...
My Arse is sore...I admit it people I am not that 25 yr old girl that I am in my mind anymore..I woke up with a serious neck pain..and then and then I Ass is old...I mean you would think that a girl of my age would still be able to kick up her heels and break out the moves with out having to use a wheelchair the next day...
What was I thinking...I was thinking that my ass has got to get in to prime(butt standing at attention) so that I am not like the only girl there wearing a rap..cause my ass is dragging the ground...hey...give me a break..I'm working on it...
Until then I will be taking advil...lots..drinking a lot of water...and oh yeah beer...its Friday and I am going out with my peeps...wohoo...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hip Hop Hurray....ooooooohhhhh
The hip hop dance class...
Let's just say people that I think I can dance...just ask my friends...for instance this past Friday I thought it would be hot to dance on the stage of a well known upscale bar here in the valley...and uhhhh well some how I had visions of my old cheerleader days (it must have been all the martinis) and I thought that I would practice a basket catch...and uhhhh I ate dirt...but I recovered really fast..picked myself up and once again began busting out my moves...
Now there is a point to this story...cause you know that I always have a point...
Point in case: I am able to dance to my own grove ( I might fall down but I always get up) but I might embarrass myself in this class if I have to follow directions…I mean I might get visions of my old cheerleader days and decide to shake my grove thing the wrong way…good thing there will not be any martinis there or I might try to get everyone in a pyramid….
Monday, July 24, 2006
Men...What Part of Men of Honor Do You Not Understand...
What part of Truth...Honor...Faith...Do you not understand...
When I believe in something I can't be persueded..there is no changing my then what happens...I stand for something and I am a B#@$% ...I say if you do not stand for something then you will fall for anything... what my father has taught I not deserve that much...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Proof People that I No Longer Need the Aqua Net...
Okay not really... I really bribed Q by showing him my big boobs again...again...
So, I just wanted everyone to know that I have indeed given up the aqua net...and the frosted lipstick..but not the green eyeshadow...because well you can't give up all of your youth...
Yes, that is "Mister Guy" in the back round who who...will not stop calling me....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hip Hip Hurray for Aqua Net Hair Spray..
Vision it..big brown permed eye shadow (OMG if you could see how slutty it looked) huge, huge bangs (who did not have them) Pink frosted lip stick..I have full round lips and with the frosted lipstick you could barley see them...Hey I have see women still still wearing this shade of lipstick (someone should tell them..hey I can't see your lips)....
So, one morning the torcher of my life..what happen? what could make me loss my mind and like decide that I was all of a sudden sick unable to attend school that day...I ran out of hair spray...
I almost died I tell you..died...MOM how could you let me run out of the aqua net hair spray???
You know that every morning I have to put on my helmet of hair spray...for thoughts of you that are male this is equivalent to not being able to play in the Friday night football game....
Of course my mother would not let me stay home and yelled at me for crying in the car all the way to school...I tell must must not love me to make me go to school with out my crutch..all day all I could think about was how my bangs fell and how terrible I must look because my bangs were not 3 inces (okay 5 inches) high...
It was the torcher of my life..thank God I did not run out of frosted lipstick and green eye shadow or else or else I surely would not make it thought the day...
Go figure?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
My Gift....
Turns out “Young Guy” is a quadriplegic (all extremities effected) apparently gun shot wound to the neck..sad I know but this is not what I found out..
So we are doing are magic trying to save this guys life…I say, “Hey everyone , I think I smell “MARY JANE” on our boy…They say, “ what no way your crazy” (he had a trach) “ what do you think he is smoking through his trach?” Turns out is urine tox came back and guess what guess what people I was RIGHT…that’s right people…it’s a gift…I always find out…I feel them out… no getting away with it…no hiding it from me…
So, do I care if people do drugs…no…Of coarse not it is their prerogative no judgment my way really…just tell me the truth so I can give you the best care really…really I mean that…and there you have it my gift…DRUG FINDER OUT GIRL/ ROLLER-DERBY GIRL..
Go Figure?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Roller Durby Here I Come....
Roller Durby...that's right people I said fish nets ...roller skates...tight hot pants...ohhhh yeah!!!!
So, last week at "computer guy's" party I met some girls that wanted me to be apart of the new roller durby responce hell ya!!! I get to "what" kick some ass...oh yeah!!!!
So, tonight I'm on my way to the skateland...I can see it now..visions of the people cheering me on as my team wins the victory...some how, some way ...I will be famous people...even if it is in my own mind....
hey it could happen...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Welcome to my world.....
Ahhh spoiled already..what can I say he handles business...
I say I can only afford something in the lower hundreds because I am a new nurse...I am only an ER nurse for the glamour of it all...definitely not for the pay.....
They say we have 2 big pools, a tennis court (porque it's hot here who the hell plays tennis), there are many barbeques around the campus, you have laundry facilities around the corner (a dollar to wash, 50 cents to dry) (yeah I love walking in the heat to wash clothes) covered parking that is first come first serve, and and the apartment is furnished with great 1970's furniture.
I say do I really have to keep the white washed tables in the living room...she says ahhh we do not have storage so yeah you have too...what? forced to keep 1970's end tables...can it get any better than this??? I say where is the dishwasher...she says you are the dish washer...ohhhh my..okay...
The apartment is all get electric, water, and cable in included for the low low price of 655.00 a month...
I say how many square footage is it...ohh I am guest mating 700 sq feet....
I'll take it...hey anything is better than living with "Mister guy" hey they do not have online halo there that's a plus...
hey I always wanted to live in an apartment with one wall of paneling...
Seriously what was he thinking...
I walk in a patients room who has a spider bite on his lower abdomen...I say pull down your pants a little so I can get a better look at the bite (He has a puss wound that was red and it was really close to his pubic area) He smiles...I ask him if he is in pain...he says yes...
I know that he is a former Drug user...he admits that he is now in recovery from using crack cocaine...I think nothing of it (I see this kind of stuff all the time) but I tell him that I will not be giving him any narcotics cause I do not want him to backslide...he agrees and says thanks for thinking of his recovery...he smiles more...
As I am dressing his lacerated wound...he says so are you married?? I say No...He then says do you have a boyfriend...
I now look at him in does he really think that I would want to get involved with someone who is a crack addict?? Does he think that I am impressed with his so called 15 day sobriety stint...
Seriously, seriously what was he thinking…I mean good for him that he is trying to get his act together, but why spider bite guy would you think that I would even think about giving you my number…I am astonished….plus I am a professional I am not going to give my number to a patient unless of coarse it was like Mathew McCaughney..then hey I might write it on his dressing and I might even say oh your going to have to take thoughs pants off so that I can dress your wound shame in my game...
No former crack head guy….not gonna happen just not gonna happen
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
One time in Bancock when the world started turning....
Can you say beautiful people party...yes that's right...
You say when, where and with who???
I do not know what I did to have such a wonderful life is like one big party...
So, "Computer Guy" and I are going to Cabo San Lucas...Sammy Hagar here I come...
When in October...ahhh I am dreaming about it right now...
Can I just say that "Computer Guy" is like soooo great....I mean people his guy cracks me up...I could talk to him for hours on the phone about nothing at all....
See my face I'm smiling...I am glowing...ahhhhh life is sweet....
You know it is great when you meet someone who likes likes you for you...appreciates the little things...the little where have you been my whole life...I mean this guy takes my breath away...
He had a party on Saturday...It was soooo fun...His friends really liked me...they really liked me...
He really likes me...did I say that I was glowing...cause I think I am glowing...
You know it can happen... you can find someone who compliments you...that completes you (I know that is sooo cheesy..who cares..I'm all in) He's handsome, he's fit, he makes me want to be the best that I can be, he's successful, he's funny..OMG he is soooo funny...did I say that he was funny...
It's definately a new day...
One time in Bancock when the world starts turning.....ohhhhh yeahhhhh
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Here is the thing people...I grew up with a mother that knew everything ....everything that I did wrong she found out...I could not pull anything over on her...then look what happen...
Detective that is just it...I find out a fault..
I think it is a disease that eats away at my brain at times and makes me crazy(but hey that is another blog)
A patient is acting funny wants to leave for a minute...I am suspicious...ah yeah I find her lighting up a spoon filled with an unknown substance...AKA meth...
I find it out people I am the detective...
and when and when "mister guy" lies to me ....I find out...
He know's this...he knows that i will hunt down the truth and drag it to the surface...
Detective I tell you...
and when and when my kid is acting very strange like like he doesn't know i am a stranger that has a contagious I might rub off and him and like someone will know that I am his mother...
I find out the truth...I thought it would never happen to me...I thought that I was in-fact immune to this disease..called growing up and not thinking that your parents are cool....
I find out...detective I tell you....that he is like every other kid out there that does not want to be close to their parents...
He doesn't want to hang out with me as much as he used to....
what happen to my little boy that used to cling cling to my leg and never let go...
what happen to my little boy that would talk endlessly to me...and never never shut up??
being a detective is not all that's it cracked up to be...
hey kid...I'm still cool...I think
Go figure?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I'm hommmmmeeee!!!!!!!!
Wow much fun can one girl and a kid have....San Diego was the best!!!
The kid went wild...riding the roller coaster 30 times...he was like cccccccccc yahhhhhhh!!!
Me..... I parting like it was 1999...oh I feel a song comming on....something something...kiss...extra time and your kissssssss...ohhhh yeah!!!
Funnnn could my life get any better...thanks .... I really mean thanks... thanks for what ever I did to get this lucky...ahhhh such a lucky girl....
Beach + sand+ tan skin + myties(who cares at this point if I can spell it you get it) + great hotel off the beach + eating out at the greatest places + laughing a lot with friends = OMG the bestest fun is good people
You know when I think about how unhappy I have been this past year I can't believe that I did not leave sooner...I mean.....I have been laughing non-stop for like the last month for sure....
Hey "Mister Guy" you can have your" old" girl friend...hell you can have anyone...cause well I don't need yah...that's right I said it...don't need ya!!!! life is soooo much sweeter...I think that your going to have to do damage control though cause well I know that you do not know how to tell the I had to do it for yahhh...
Hey I don't make the rules I just demand that you live by them!!!
Can you say PARTY!!! Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh life it definiately gooddddddd!!!!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
This is on my T-shirt
For I am the cockroach of love....
That's it He Must Have Gone Crazy...
He must have gone crazy..
"Mister Guy" left town yesterday I had to see him because I commited to watching our dogs while he was off experiencing the world..before he left.... he in deed found out that I went to
Veva Las Vegas...Ohhhhh yeahhhh...Veva Las Vegas...
He must have gone crazy is all I can think...
He says to me, "Do not ever wash your make-up off and wipe with my towels" apparently he is afraid that the water based mascara will not come out of his towels..(these towel are not like new or even expensive..but hey I will just like let my face air dry from now on)...
He says he thought he new me better and how could I go to Las Vegas with "Doctor Guy"??
I donno...he ahhhh like asked me to go and uhhhh who would turn that down??Hey "Doctor Guy" is really fun to be with...(more on him later)..
Then he rants and on so forth..ask me if I am really going to stay at the house or am I like going to run the streets with "Doctor Guy"....
He must have gone crazy...
So, here is my question...why does he care right now...didn't I spend countless hours trying to get him to care...why now "Mister Guy"....
Why is it when you love someone and they take you for granted, it is only when others want to be with you that they all of a sudden care...
My mind is deboggled...that's it he must have gone crazy....
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I Can't Wait!!!!
The most important person in the world to me...
The kid will be here at last....
Oh I know that he will drive me crazy. He will drive me up the wall...
Hey it's his job....
Ohhh I can't wait...Kid I love you....just don't stand to close to me someone will think your mine...
(he loves it when I say that)
I can't wait!!!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Couldn'ty Have Made it Without Ya....
How have I made it out ALIVE...?
How have I not just sat in my robe all day long and like never taken a shower....?
How have I not just wasted away to nothing because I could not eat anything for days on end...?
How have I not just gone plain crazy....?
Well, My BFF...has listened to me endlessly....
We will call her" MBA girl" cause well I am sooooo proud of her...
She listened to me endlessly...She drank sake and ate sushi with me... while I talked and talked about my sorrows....
"MBA girl" has been there for me though thick and thin...yeah remember my worst date ever was she that saved SAVED me.....
It was" MBA girl" that helped me pick my heart up from all it broken pieces...
It was "MBA girl" that reminded me about how much fun we had in the big D....
It was "MBA girl" that always picked me up from the airport.....
She is my BFF...She is beautiful, bright and one of the most loyal friends that I have ever had....
Hey "MBA girl" it has been a pleasure and blessing to have you in my life...I can only hope that I give you as much as you give me!!!!...and "MBA girl" I am soooo happy that we have grown so close and that we have not let the distance between us...come between us....
You mean the world to me and I believe I am a better person to have you in my life....
I am soooo proud of you...your support has meant so much...
Case in point: To all those BFF out there...thank you from the bottom of our hearts for listening and supporting us endlessly...what would we do with out you!!!!!
This Poor Guy.....
Ohhhh I felt so bad for this guy...he was actually very nice looking and he must be sweet to stick this out....This story is too juicy for me to hold back here it is folks...he met here from the internet dating site....I had a really good laugh on'll feel sorry for him too.....
"Here's my funny-traumatic story. If ever in my life I need therapy, this will be why. I answered and email I received on Match from a girl who claimed to be my type. After reading her profile I decided she seemed pretty down to Earth and funny. We emailed each other a few times and decided to talk on the phone. She seemed very high energy and pretty hilarious. We decided to try a first date. I suggested dinner. She claimed she likes to make first dates unforgettable and wants to have a "pajama party" at her house. Yes red flags went up in my head but I do give people the benefit of the doubt and the suggestion did fit her personality. I however told her I wasn't comfortable going to a strangers house in my pajamas but I would dress casual and grab a movie on the way. The next day I receive and email from her detailing all of the pajamas she owns and she wants me to pick the pair she is going to wear..yes again red flag. I emailed back that I couldn't see them so I cant make that decision. So against better judgment I go through with the date. I arrive at her house and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opens. There before me stands a 3' 5" midget in little kids flannel-snowmen pajamas and white high heel pumps. On top of that she had the brightest red lipstick on I have ever seen and it was not subtle as it was not only on the lips, but also kind of smeared around the mouth like she just got done drinking a gallon of strawberry Kool-Aid. So totally in shock but not wanting to make her feel bad I go in. We talk for a few minutes and I suggest we start the movie. Let me say that it's a little weird sitting next to someone who's feet don't extend past the edge of the couch cushion. So, you would think that it couldn't get worse....well it did. She goes to the kitchen and brings me back a drink, which I'm sure it looked like I needed. She claimed it was Cranberry juice and Vodka. I take a sip and decided it tasted a little strange so I set it down and we watch the movie. Towards the end of the movie she goes to the bathroom and I decide to pour the drink out because I wasn't really in the "drinking" mood. Well, sitting on the counter is the EXPIRED cranberry juice bottle. Not just a little expired either, the bottle had an expiration date of 1999. So now totally freaked out I wait until the end of the movie, which seemed to take forever, and excuse myself and go home. Needless to say I didn't pursue it past that date. She was correct, it was memorable!! Do you have any dates that bad?"
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
What the F@#$ Do You Do All Day.....
Here I am again writing a blog...why do you ask....
You see I have so much time on my hands since I have gotten out of school...I do not know what to do with myself…at best I am an amature writer but hey I love having a voice and I talk all the time anyway…so why not be famous in my mind in blog land…I mean I think some people read my blog and get a laugh….or are just plan grossed out (which in case I find just as good as a laugh)
So, people do not think that I will have correct grammar or that I will always spell things correctly…hey, hey hey I did that business enough in school….I mean what does having good grammar have to do with writing anyway??’re smart enough to figure it out I trust….
Here is how my day starts out...sleep late (hey, hey I work 12 hrs. shifts at night give me a break)...
I eat some kind of breakfast…this morning black eyed peas…ya grossed out yet?
I check my e-mail…of coarse erase all the old, unattractive, crazy men that might have e-mailed me due to my new internet dating site….
I then go straight to my blog…check other peoples blogs…I love giving my two cents…then re-read my blog…read other blogs then get a kick out of reading comments that are left on my blog or other peoples blogs…
OMG does this mean that I have no life?? Or does that mean that I have been bit by the blog bug and I can’t control myself…will I have to go to blog anonymous??
Addicted, addicted I tell you…I should know how to control myself right??
Mary Mary Quite Contrary....
Ahhh the dating scene...and let the games begin....
So, gosh I have been out of the dating scene for like a while now and still really am not ready to date...but you know it beats sitting at home each night mulling over my hurt feelings..writting blogs that are sappy instead of giving you people some dirt....something with substance...something that you probably are glad that happen to me instead of you....
So, where do I start..why oh why do all the oldest men on the dating site e-mail me??It clearly states on my profile that I would like to date someone who is not old..out of shape and not the age of my father...come onnn old men give me a break...Why just cause 1/2 of family is from Arkansas doesn't mean that I want to date a man that is like my fathers age or worse my grandfathers age...hey the rules of Arkansas do not apply to me anymore....I broke out long ago...
Okay then and why is it that the most unattractive guys e-mail me...really...I mean I am a decent looking girl...I'm fit...I have a good job even though I am still really poor right now...I mean do they think that I am blind...that I will actually read their profile even though they are really not good looking...I mean I had this one man who I swear looked like "Molegally in Lord of the Rings"(I think that is his name that creature that wanted the ring. that said,”my precious")He even had pointy ears...I was afraid...afraid I tell you....
It hasn't been all that bad...I have gone out with one guy that was actually intellegent and handsome and successful...I know...right you never get those combinations...what is wrong with him...maybe he doesn't like me...or maybe he is weird and I do not like him...I am suppose to see him again tommorrow night...I'll have to get back to you...let you know how it turns out...we did have a lot in common...he is from the country just like me...It could be fate...or I could just be crazy ...who knows...
I also have a date with a guy that seems to be very nice on the phone I talked to him like three times and I am going out with him one wensday...he called today...wanted to know where to meet...and then he said you can call inbetween the time that we meet if you want...what does that mean...Does that mean that he wants me to call him tommorrow..I mean the date is Wensday...or does that mean he wants to talk to me but does not want to call and bug me or am I just reading into it...who can figure out all these rules...I say date as much as I can...why not...I am really not ready for anything serious right now (except for you Q)...I just want to keep it light...
Oh another question I have is....when do you cross the line and have sex...I haven't been with anyone new in so long...I'm not sure I would know how to act....
Well...wish me luck and hey it would be nice..
Come onnn break a girl off something.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
OOD'DDDDD to the People that Mean so much
Okay so these might not be totally be the correct words to this song (hey I can't remember everything)but hey it sounds like the get the picture people...(note:We were ment to live)*name of the song...I know it was hard for you to guess right?...okay you want a point to this blog right ....cause there is always a point...even if you do not get the point which might be the case if you read my blog....okay stay on tract...stay on track...(yes sometimes I have to talk to my self...hey at least I can admit it)
Have you ever had those people in your life that you just love soooo much...
Who listen to you endlessly...
Who love you even if...even if you throw-up on their red couch....
Who love you even if tell them the same story over and over again...
Who love you even if ...they live all the way across the country....
Who love you even wear gloves at work and put your fingers places that most people wouldn't go....(that was a good visionary statement hu?)
who love you even if...your not perfect and sometimes say things that may hurt them...but you did not mean to hurt them...and you say your sorry and they forgive you...
Who love you even have not alway made the right decisions....
Who love you even if...occationally your feet smell (not me I'm just saying)
To Q...your the best friend a girl could ever have...thank you for being there for me...for loving me for me...for allowing me to be apart of your life...for wearing aviator glasses on the fire exit...for breaking out the Keith Sweat...for entering my life in a time when I needed you the most...for supporting me..for putting a smile on my face daily...for reasuring me that you care..for having a blog affair with me....thank you
To my sister...Ahhhh sister thank you for listening to me day in and day out...for sharing your life with me...for giving me great memories of last summer...for being a great sister to me...for forgiving me when I have wronged you...for letting me pick on you...for giving me such beautiful nieces and a cute nephew...for loving the kid as much as you do....your friendship and happiness mean the world to me...thank you...
Okay so here is the point...point in case...tell the people you much they mean to is soooo short...I am truely blessed...truely blessed
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Just something quick..OMG I am addicted I tell you...
So, I like went to this private christain college...yeah it was in the know where people usually use shopping carts to carry all aquired belongings...ahhh yeah
Well last summer I was like moving on campus to anther apartment..on campus and ahhh yeah...I had to do it...I moved my stuff from one apartment to the other in a shopping cart...
And that people is my most gettoest day ever....
You Opened Up the Door for Me....
Since I am on this new kick about remembering the beautiful moments in my life I thought that I would share the the lyrics to the song (he has written many about me..making me feel ooohhh soooo special) he has a beautiful voice ( think googoo dolls) he writes and plays his own music...
" you opened the door for me and I stepped in so couriously...not knowing the extent of your beauty....your wrapped your love around me with the blankets and showed me love"
"I was young then quick to the thought of it"......Okay this is bad cause I could remember all of the song this morning and now what I draw a blank....
It must be writters block...or I block it out...Or I am a block...
Let's see ...hummmm okay...
" will never forget...I will never let go...just caught up in the responciblities .....does place in time ever rewind...looking back I would do all over again...I was young then quick to the thought of it...does this place in time ever rewind.....looking back I would do all over again...I will never let go...I will never forget"....
well you get the idea people...I hope that I did not butcher it too much...
We would hang out for hours on the weekends and he would play his guitar and sing to me...I was so captured by his talent and beautiful voice...I have always pushed him to do his best to write and get out there and be heard....he writes amazing christain music...
One day a while back...I was sad about "Mister guy"...he called me and left me a song on my voice mail..(it was one about me)...I text him and said thank you for making me feel so special by writing music about me...he text me back and said, "Your special with or with out my songs"...ahhhhh remembering thoughs beautiful moments in my life....
Friday, June 16, 2006
The God of Wine..Comes Crashing Through the ...
What was I seriously what was I thinking..
I drank three Martinis...okay these Martinis were not any ordinary Martinis they were like drink ing old fashion Wisky that your Grandma made out in the woods...
I think I must have thought that I needed to drink them because I ate pork last night and well...after seeing the guy with the worm in his brain(from the undercooked pork)I must have thought that I needed alcohol to make sure that I killed any floaters in my stomach...
I think it must have worked because OMG my stomach is killing me head was cursing me this morning while I was in class listening to lectures on chest tubes...I got it...I got it never pull out a chest tube...never clamp a chest tube...where is the bathroom???
Sister seriously...thanks for listening to me today....I do not think I could have made it through the day without telling you my story...What was I thinking???
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Remembering the Beautiful Moments in my Life...
My memories of him....
He used to sing prince to me all the time (note he could not sing, and I found it hard to break it to him) He would swear he sounded just like prince....ah what we do for love...I did not have the heart to break it to I listen as if he was Prince (sign at the time)...hey "Football guy" It did not matter to me that you totally did not sound like prince...I loved ya anyway!!!
He used to tell me..." If you can love the one you want, love the one your with"... he would say that jokingly of coarse but it still brings a smile to my face....Hey "Football guy"...I still only want to love the one I want...
He had three sisters and when his mom would bring the groseries home he would totally hide all the good food from his sisters and claim that if he did not do it ...then they would...hey "Football guy it was me that ate the last oatmeal pie...not your middle sister....
He loved his mother but for the life of her she could not cook...we would wake up in the morning and she would offer us breakfast....anything that we wanted...pancakes(not all the way cooked and definatly not round), eggs...(OMG they only came runny and under cooked Yuck) name it ...she somehow could not cook it....ahhh but we loved her anyway...Hey "Football Guy's" mother we did not eat your cooked food but we gave you an A for effort....
He was a virtous young man and could not be swede in his believe system...he came from an affluent family...however I did not... but he never treated me as if I was not good enough...Hey "Football guy" I always felt your love...
Sometime looking back at your life put things in perspective....we were young...we were in love...but it came time for us to let go...he was truly a wonderful...young man ....he had a big impact on my life...and I on him....I know truly that he turned out to be a wonderful Officer and gentleman.....Hey "Football guy" I will never forget thoughs beautiful moments in my life....
Monday, June 12, 2006
P.S. remind me to write about this...
what happen when I got my mole cut off my back...
hey listen this is a great one I know it sounds gross...but then if your reading this you are familar with my style and it will not shock you...
One time One time...I went to the Dematologist and well I had an eraser size mole on my back that plagued me in my teenage years...I wanted to get it cut off...he said,"OMG it looks terrible I bet it really bothers you when you wear a bikini"
I thought to myself I did not think it was that bad untill just right now....okay let's cut it off...I then said I ummm (cough right here) have a ummm mole in my like front private part...
He said let's see it...ahhhh oohhhhh aahhhh yeah we are going to have to cut that off too...
I said how lie...I swear this is the truth...
He said," For the low low price of 75 $ we can cut off the mole on your back and we will through the other mole in for free"
What...suze I paid the 75 $
go figure?
Un-break my heart say you'll love me again....
So anyone who knows me would know my plith lately...I mean two and half year is a long time so I guess it does take a long time to get over things..I am starting to feel better...I decided that I could not be friends with "Mister Guy"after all...sometimes you just have to let things go...
My new adventure...hanging out with my new friends who absolutely crack me ... .so last night I went over one of my new friends house and what happen..I became the counselor...
I loved it...what is wrong with me...I talked to her for hours about how to start to change things in her life so that she would not be treated badly....
I was having visions of should I leave my job and move to Hollywood..become a famous talk show host that takes over for Oprah and then I will be a millionair and then....I will have a great boyfriend that can't live with out me...and then I will ....
Wait a min....okay that is highly unlikely but you know a girl can have a dream right...anyway I want to be a singer not a talk show host...and I really can only be famous in my mind because then... I will have people stalking me and well that has happen before and I am not even famous...I didn't really like it...
So, hear is my point of this blog...because well althought it seems purposeless...there is always a point..
Point in case: No more hanging out at ex-boyfriends is just still to painfull...+ hanging out with new friends that make me laugh beyond friends with them thought the good the bad and the ugly= getting over ex-boyfriend and = happiness
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Three Martinis, and Two Beers
go figure?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Is Wine the Answer??
Is Wine the Answer???
Why is it that you care so much about a person only to have them...brush you off as if you never exsisted in the first place??? as if you are only a grain of sand in their ocean...that you are just a peice of dandruff under their finger nails....that you are no better than the toliet paper they wipe thier @## with....that you are not as wonderful as everyone else thinks and tell you that you are....(no I am not bitter)....
Is Wine the Answer??
Why is it that you only have to go number two when you are at work...I mean I do not know about you but I have to like light a candle and turn on mood music...I have to tell myself that it is okay and that "Every one is doing it"....I have to turn on the bathroom fan and hope and pray that no one while come home during my toliet "visit"...(okay just know that I only pee people nothing else...and if you smell anything that is ummmm"Mini"(my dogs breath)....
Is Wine the Answer??
Why is it that although I am out of high school I still still get pimples?? I mean didn't I suffer enought in high school?? Isn't there any good things that can happen to my skin as I get older?? Can't I go one month with out a break out??? I mean I know that I like to pick but only other people not my self...I get no joy out of the white head on my forehead...
Is Wine the Answer??
Why is it that my ex-boyfriend who I have not been with for like...almost 4 years has this dilution that we are going to somehow magically get back together and have like five kids...I mean I alway knew that I was not going to marry him...I alway knew that we were not ment to be together...I always knew that I was with him only because I was in a stage of my life...that I was like very that I am like an ER nurse he thinks that we like may have a future...he called me tonight that is why I am bringing this up...Hey "Musician Guy" little hint for ya....not going to happen...really not going to happen....
Is Wine the Answer??
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Break-up movie.....
Why???I know that we are not good together ....I know that he does not meet my is so bad right now that I do not even what to see anyone else...why??? I have never felt that way before...I mean who doesn't like a lot of attention from Men that actually find you attractive and smart.
We went to the movies the other night...we saw the break-up movie...and it was like watching my relationship with him on screen...hey...Jennifer looked really good playing me.
I could not even enjoy the movies because it was kind of painful to watch....I have seen him problably more than I should....why why can't I let go....
What is it about him that I cling to so desperately is it the fact that he is successfull....arn't there any men out there that are successful that would be interested in me...a meer ER nurse that has a great sence of humor...that loves to pick...that except people for who they are???
Is it the fact that I just want him to tell me that he is sorry...that he cares...that I was good enough but that he just could not open up to me...because he was afraid...
I wanted to have a family with him...I really did...
When will this feeling of emptyness go away...when...thank goodness for my blog lover Q or I might never get over this...
I just want the feelings to go away...I want to make it thought the day being okay with the fact that he is seeking out other women at this time.....
arrrggggg relatioships...can't live with them can't live without them.....time to work out....maybe it will make me can only hope.....
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Who new it could happen???
My mind was racing off all the things I must do today...All of the things that I have to deal with...ahhhhh the pressure of it all...I mean I am a professional right???(I am not really...I do not want to grow-up....Mom, Dad...Can I move in with you?) okay that is probably not the right answer...
Calgon can you take me away?? Can I move to a land far far away where I can eat grubs...and grow my own vegetable garden and never work and wear just like a loin cloth over my #@%$%?
Maybe that is not the answer either...Cause then I might get a bot fly in the rain forest...How do you get the bot fly?? What is the bot fly you ask?? Holy Shi'et....This is a whole other blog...I will get to that but for this purpose I will tell you that the bot fly bites you and injects it egg into your skin and then and then...It's larva eats at your flesh and causes your skin to get infected and then it sticks it's little antenna out to breath...Swear to God this happens...How do I know all this gross stuff...Come on it's me we are talking about....
So, I might get the bot I guess I will have to wear more than a loin cloth if I move to a land far far away...
So what do I do escape my mind...To desperately push off the Oger living on my back..Clawing on it...Clinging with all the might it has... Suggesting that I will never win the war...The battle of my mind..
I think of my one true love Q....Who knew it could happen to me??...I mean ...He is like my is like I am attached to him by ways of my computer..(it could happen)...I wake up and think about wonderful he he makes me smile he has captured my heart in the last month or so...yes people it was blog love at first site..I know I did not believe that it could happen either...but it did...I mean I read his writings and I am touched..or I need to be touched...or I have to take a cold of the three...
I woke up this morning and when I thought of love.... Suddenly I felt is like what I tell my are the choices... this is what we can do..and this is what you can do..Worrying does not is what it is.....handle it....handle it..(okay maybe I only tell myself to handle it)
So, Q thanks for helping me get the Ogar off my back...yeah so his big toe is still clinging for dear life...but this morning I thought of you living in the city...walking and seeing everything alive...making your dreams come true in a Big city where..the common person seems so so insignificant...yet you have captured my heart...
I guess that I wont run away to a far far away land because I bet that I will not be able to take my lap top...and then I will not be able to reach out to my one true love...and he might be grossed out if I get the bot fly...nahhh I know he will still love me anyway....
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The tubing experience
The salt river is open again for business...ahhh the thoughts of tubing down the river for 4 hours with a cooler of a endless supply of beer attached to your tube.
Let's discuss the important steps to tubing down the river on a hot summer morning...
Find fun people to tube down the river with must be willing to let your hair down and prepair to get dirty...
Get to the river and on the way and this is crucial people very crucial...stop and get beer...lots and lots of beer you do not want to run the risk of running out of will have to show your boobs or package to elicit more from fellow tubers...
Get your tubes and remember to bring tie them together with or you may run the risk of having to give up some of your coveted beer for string...
Ride the bus to the top of the float and the fun begins...
Remember that tieing the beer to the tube correctly is impairative...other wise you will go down the river loosing your precious gold and others will find and drink your treasure...
Sister called yesterday and we reminised about the last time we went tubing...OMG it was soooo much fun...four hours of drinking was pure pleasure.... sister even flashed her boobs and we still had beer...ahhhh good times
So sister when are we going back??
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I'm not dead I swear
and then it happened...OMG my computer is sick...
I wanted to die...I mean how could my computer do this to do this to me??
Haven't I been loving..haven't I told it how much I love it...
You do not know what I had to go though just to write this...I had to walk up hill in the snow...with no clothes on...OMG I almost died...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I almost had an.....
I know what you are that all it takes?... your toes in a bath filled will sea salts and soap??
Yes, people that is all that it takes these days(and well images of my blog lover Q)...
So, I walked in the nail salon that I usually go to and the "Nail Guy" had me sit in the Vibrating chair..(see there was vibration)..and he started giving me a petacure...YES!!!
OMG he was rubbing my leggs up and down...all around...
I was moaning yes right there...hehe not really i just thought I would put that in the story for effect!!!
But he was amazing...I said thank you "Nail Guy" I'll be back next week for another one of those Orgasms...
Go figure???
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Porque it's Hot That's Why
Sometimes my dog drags her butt on the carpet?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
I grow this one long black hair on the side of my face and I do not notice it to puck it till it has been there for sometime?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
Sometimes my sister’s kids insist on eating a spoon full of butter?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
When I was in high school my 20 yrs. old uncle married his step sister who was 15 yrs old?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
The platypus has no nipples so it secrets milk though it skin and hair?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
You would cut off your member and eat it and then ask when it is going to grow back?
(I swear this really happen…there sister I told the story)
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
That Taco Bell tastes so good after you have had too much to drink?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
Sometime celebrities get cheek implants and their face looks weird and then they deny plastic surgery?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
My sister remembers our childhood stories differently… she told me one time I made her pee on the floor of our bedroom because I had a boy sneak in our bedroom who was hiding under my bed and I did not want my Mom to find out??
(have no recollection of this story… maybe I blocked it out)
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
I once dated this guy who had a toupee and one day he said I have to tell you something…and I said please don’t tell me then it might not be true.
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
Please tell me why when I work out I sweat sooo much that my whole shirt and crotch of my shorts are soaking wet when I’m done?
Porque it’s Hot That’s Why
Friday, May 19, 2006
Sh@# that Plagues My Mind
Call me crazy I bought her a tooth brush, doggy tooth paste that is suppose to taste like meat…doggy breath strips…
I brushed her teeth while see looked at me like I was performing an ancient Chinese torcher and well…no relief…her breath still smells like death…Mini I love you darling but I don't think I can take you trying to make out with me anymore….
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Obessed I tell you...Obsessed
I have been Obsessed….Obsessed I tell you about my blog.
I think about what to write in my blog as I am driving in my car….I think about what to write in my blog as I am working out on the elliptical….I think about my blog when I am on the toilet…I call my sister and bug her about my blog…while I am getting ready to go out on a date…I think about my blog.
So I asked myself…self is this because you have felt invisible for the last year?? Should you be like Mariah Carry (without wearing the sluttish outfits) (okay one time I did but then your labeled) and sing the song spread your wings butterfly?? Is this like my metamorphous out of a tightly woven cocoon??
I pondered this idea for a moment and then I thought…that has to be it…okay so I will only play the song butterfly…cause if I sing it then I might really start to think that I sound good and then I might leave my job and move to California to become famous… and I really love my job so I don’t think that is a good idea.
So I have decided to just put it out there mister guy that wanted me to be invisible…I’m just telling it like it is from now and well…you can’t do anything about it..
I’m not bitter I just tell all you ladies out there to not waste the pretty…if your in a relationship that makes you feel invisible…you can leave just like me…and maybe you can even find a blog lover just like me…and maybe you can date 3 guys at a time and maybe you will only really like one of the guys…and you will like me try to figure out ways to not see the other 2 guys with out hurting their feelings….and then maybe you will find 2 other guys to hang out with that your actually attracted to…it could happen..
Go figure???
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
My family the pickers
So, anyone who really knew me would know that I (let me stand up) and say that I am a picker...I come from a long line of pickers and I have to say that my sister is passing this very trait on to her children...
You maybe asking yourself what is a picker??? (just know that half of my family is from Arkansas) ( that is my excuse for everything)
A picker is a person that loves to pick on their loved ones. Every boyfriend I have ever had is aware of that this truly means...I must inspect their head at least twice a week...Why you say?? I might find a pimple...And there for I must pick it...Hence the name picker.
I wish that it stopped right there...But no it does not!! I have even talked my girlfriends into letting me pull that unsightly hair on their chin or God for bid out of control eye brows!!!
This is just an example of the day and a life of a picker....Let me tell ya this is a true story...The love of my life (we will talk about him later, we are no longer together, but I like most will women will truly never get over it) okay where was I oh yeah...One time last summer my sister and a couple of friends including the love of my life were getting ready to tube down the river. My sister (also a picker) saw out of the corner of her eye a pimple on the love of my life's neck....And from no where she pulled out her keys as if they were a shiny knights blade and keyed his neck...That is right people she popped his pimple with her key...I said what just happen???? She said I could not help myself...And I said....Couldn't you just let me at least see it first...Sick I know... Like I said we have a problem.
For another example... Just in case you are not getting the idea that there are pickers like me and my family out there...I guaranty it!!!
My boyfriend that I just broke up with...You know the one that treated me as if I was invisible...Yeah that one...Well we had this ritual... Not one that you like light candles for or anything but you know something we did weekly...I would pick his head, back, chest, or what ever I could get my hands on...Fun times!!
Just for the record, he hardly had any pimples but you know I would pick random hairs to make sure that he stayed hair free (back and chest)( oh I am not getting a good mental picture..He was not hairy at all, I'm just saying the random hairs)well one day he had this really hard bump on the back of his neck and oh of coarse I was really happy to try to pop it but no...I got nothing..Days went by still nothing...I leave the house for like I don't know maybe 3 hours..And what happens he pops it...Tells me how great it was and does not even wait for me...Imagine that...I was sad....I'm still not over it...He sometimes brings it up still and I have that empty feeling all over again.
So you say that I must be crazy...What is wrong with her...I tell yah...I am not the only picker out there...I mean how do you think that I have enlisted all the guys I dated and my wonderful sweet girlfriends to allow me to pick them and then...They pick themselves too...And the whole process of transferring this obsession to someone else magically happens.
Case in point do I like being a picker?...Yes It is who I am.
and no I will not pick random people that I do not know...Unless I have contact and dropplet precautions on....
Go figure?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
this really happen I swear
Sounds great right…ahhhh I am having visions of it right now.
Now here is where the stories goes bad…..
You happen to order pork at your favorite whole in the wall joint …OMG it is the best pork you have had with tortillas, beans and oh ya…in a burrito with sour cream and guacamole (that one is for you sister and we are not at Carl’s Juniors either)…then all of a sudden you have an ear ache…you would think that the pure alcohol that you have consumed would have killed it….I mean doesn’t alcohol kill almost everything??? No, the bad news is that someone got a worn in their head from eating uncooked pork.
Go figure???