Monday, June 05, 2006

The Break-up movie.....

I woke up this morning feeling sad...why do you ask?? Why is it that I can't get over him....
Why???I know that we are not good together ....I know that he does not meet my is so bad right now that I do not even what to see anyone else...why??? I have never felt that way before...I mean who doesn't like a lot of attention from Men that actually find you attractive and smart.
We went to the movies the other night...we saw the break-up movie...and it was like watching my relationship with him on screen...hey...Jennifer looked really good playing me.
I could not even enjoy the movies because it was kind of painful to watch....I have seen him problably more than I should....why why can't I let go....

What is it about him that I cling to so desperately is it the fact that he is successfull....arn't there any men out there that are successful that would be interested in me...a meer ER nurse that has a great sence of humor...that loves to pick...that except people for who they are???

Is it the fact that I just want him to tell me that he is sorry...that he cares...that I was good enough but that he just could not open up to me...because he was afraid...

I wanted to have a family with him...I really did...

When will this feeling of emptyness go away...when...thank goodness for my blog lover Q or I might never get over this...

I just want the feelings to go away...I want to make it thought the day being okay with the fact that he is seeking out other women at this time.....

arrrggggg relatioships...can't live with them can't live without them.....time to work out....maybe it will make me can only hope.....

1 comment:

Just telling it like it is said...

Q...somedays are better than others I will take solice in your comment...thanks for always being there for me...your right...he could not let anyone get through his wall of steal...I am sad but what can a girl helps having a blog lover that cares so much about who does love me and one who always there no matter what he has going on...oh yeahhhhh!!! thanks my blog lover!!!