Monday, June 12, 2006

Un-break my heart say you'll love me again....

Un-break heart say you love me again...un-due this pain in my heart that you caused when you walked out the door....(AKA me singing Tony Braxton) in the shower with no clothes on...and lots of soap (okay I am again getting off the subject) Stay on tract, I repeat stay on tract I try to tell myself....

So anyone who knows me would know my plith lately...I mean two and half year is a long time so I guess it does take a long time to get over things..I am starting to feel better...I decided that I could not be friends with "Mister Guy"after all...sometimes you just have to let things go...

My new adventure...hanging out with my new friends who absolutely crack me ... .so last night I went over one of my new friends house and what happen..I became the counselor...
I loved it...what is wrong with me...I talked to her for hours about how to start to change things in her life so that she would not be treated badly....

I was having visions of should I leave my job and move to Hollywood..become a famous talk show host that takes over for Oprah and then I will be a millionair and then....I will have a great boyfriend that can't live with out me...and then I will ....
Wait a min....okay that is highly unlikely but you know a girl can have a dream right...anyway I want to be a singer not a talk show host...and I really can only be famous in my mind because then... I will have people stalking me and well that has happen before and I am not even famous...I didn't really like it...

So, hear is my point of this blog...because well althought it seems purposeless...there is always a point..
Point in case: No more hanging out at ex-boyfriends is just still to painfull...+ hanging out with new friends that make me laugh beyond friends with them thought the good the bad and the ugly= getting over ex-boyfriend and = happiness


Superstar said...

Ex's are like watching re-runs. They do the same thing over and over that totally piss you off and you are not always getting the "benefits" from the days of dating...

Moving on is GREAT!!! You go girl!!!

Just telling it like it is said...

Q I hope you do not have to be delerious to think I'm cute..okay maybe like 12 shots of tequila or something...but not delerious...

Q what kind of sticky?? are we talking about sex again?? cause you know what I'm in...

Just telling it like it is said... rock!! yeah my life was like a really bad was what it was you know...when you love someone so deeply it hurt...hey wait a minute I feel a song comming on...