Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Is Wine the Answer??

Why is it that people call you and then have nothing to say...and you have to struggle...struggle to make conversation...I think that I would rather eat raw grubs...than have this happen to me..I think that I would rather eat ants....I think I would rather make out with David Hasslehoff...what a minute...no that is way to extreme...iksenxinay on the David Hasselhoff comment...nothing is almost as bad as that....

Is Wine the Answer???

Why is it that you care so much about a person only to have them...brush you off as if you never exsisted in the first place??? as if you are only a grain of sand in their ocean...that you are just a peice of dandruff under their finger nails....that you are no better than the toliet paper they wipe thier @## with....that you are not as wonderful as everyone else thinks and tell you that you are....(no I am not bitter)....

Is Wine the Answer??

Why is it that you only have to go number two when you are at work...I mean I do not know about you but I have to like light a candle and turn on mood music...I have to tell myself that it is okay and that "Every one is doing it"....I have to turn on the bathroom fan and hope and pray that no one while come home during my toliet "visit"...(okay just know that I only pee people nothing else...and if you smell anything that is ummmm"Mini"(my dogs breath)....

Is Wine the Answer??

Why is it that although I am out of high school I still still get pimples?? I mean didn't I suffer enought in high school?? Isn't there any good things that can happen to my skin as I get older?? Can't I go one month with out a break out??? I mean I know that I like to pick but only other people not my self...I get no joy out of the white head on my forehead...

Is Wine the Answer??

Why is it that my ex-boyfriend who I have not been with for like...almost 4 years has this dilution that we are going to somehow magically get back together and have like five kids...I mean I alway knew that I was not going to marry him...I alway knew that we were not ment to be together...I always knew that I was with him only because I was in a stage of my life...that I was like very dumb.....now that I am like an ER nurse he thinks that we like may have a future...he called me tonight that is why I am bringing this up...Hey "Musician Guy" little hint for ya....not going to happen...really not going to happen....

Is Wine the Answer??


Just telling it like it is said...

OMG no wonder I have this love hate relationship with David Hasselfhoff...my father is German...I knew something was wrong with me...yeah thank goodness I came to my sences....

Wow..so you found a secret place...ahhh I wish at the hospital there was a secret place butttt nooooo it is like they have no secrets there....just because everyone else in the world doesn't mind showing thier goods...showing there urine and such...doesn't mean that I want to take part in such liberalness....I mean really...comeon...what kinda girl do they think I am anyway???

Just telling it like it is said...

by the way did I tell you how much you crack me up sometimes...my face is smiling from ear to ear like a small young school girl in her britney spears out fit...hey I could still pull it off...the socks the pigtails...oh yeah I think I did it again...