Sunday, August 13, 2006

MIA...can you say Missing in Action....

Okay so the past several weeks I have been trying to figure out the broken peices of my life...
I know I am emotional right now...It's PMS...there I said it...PMS

PMS aka for I have been really bitchy and emotional all at the same time...

How can this happen to me...darn...darnnnnn

So, anywho...whilst I try to figure out the broken peices of my life...I have been having some the sun...

but still have many things to work guessed it..most of all of this has to do with "Mister Guy" who still has not stopped calling...

Am I destined to have this pain linger amounst my heart fer ever...

well...more later I must get ready for work...where at least all the crazies love me...


_nderscore said...

"work...where at least all the crazies love me..."

That's not true! We love you here!

(Someone quick, back up my comment!)

Superstar said...

for the record PMS = Putting up with Men's Shit.
LOL ;o)
Glad you are back!!!

Just telling it like it is said...

Thanks guys...really thanks...
My ego is now inflated..
Ur all the bestest...most smartest..most friends a girl could ever dream of..

Just telling it like it is said...

My two sence...thanks..I really appreciate it...I know...I know...ahhhh it's really hard but I am getting better..and I have been dating...I guess it just takes time...and ummmm I do not know how to post a pic...I had a friend do it for ever if you click on q-lam..on my page if he checks his blog you can ask him or awaiting they are much better at this than I...welcome!!! and thanks I could always use a kick in the ass!!!

Just telling it like it is said...

Blushing...awe thanks my tow cents...that is really why I started this blog...sending out my messages and telling my crazy life...I wanted to reach people..that is really what is all about....If i could make one person smile...or think about how precious life really is or have them think about how pitiful my life is and know that they have it much better I have done my job....