Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calling all bloggers for some advice...

Dear Bloggers...
I am asking for some advice? I want to know what is it that pushed you to be successful..
Now in saying successful I don't necessarily mean financial success but how did you become successful in what you deem success to be..
Success to me is: Having a family that loves you..
Success is that one big sale that you just closed.
Success is being a stay at home mother..
Success is having a partner that loves you in spite of it all..
Success is having a good job..
so on an so forth...
Tell me what inspires you all..
Thank you
And to all my Canadian Friends Happy Thanksgiving


Real Live Lesbian said...

Honesty and love. That's all.

Walker said...

Hmmm Tough question brb

I got into a war with some cockroach a few years ago over this.

3 Magpies said...

Success is something different to each of us. For me, it includes happy kids, a decent job, and the chance to create my idea of beautiful jewelry using whatever objects are handy... sticks, stones, whatever...

buffalodick said...

Success is succeeding.. at what? Your measurement of success- is your vision alone.. Don't ever let people measure your beliefs by their standards. You will have given up on what you believe- and believe me, you don't have to be in the majority to be right..

Caroline said...

Making a difference and an impact in this world (in a good way!).