Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The signs are there you just have to see them...

Whilst working hard at not having a job today I came upon a blog that was sales driven. It stated, "The signs are all there you just have to see them" . I am looking for signs that will point me in the right direction to finding the job that is right for me...
Well I must be blind because I don't see any signs right now...
I looked under the covers...
I looked under the bed...
I asked the people I live with if they have seen any signs..
I looked in my car...
Nope Nothing I got nothing...
No worries I will continue to search for that dang sign but it is tiring let me tell ya!


Christo Gonzales said...

look in your sock drawer...

Just telling it like it is said...

doggy: Good idea I'll let you know!

buffalodick said...

I'm waiting for a sign... star in the heavens, burning bush, or even a neatly trimmed bush... HeeHeeHee...

Just telling it like it is said...

Buffalo: how about getting your son to trim the bushes since he gets kitchen privileges..

Chef E said...
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Chef E said...

Ok let me begin again...Ah a refreshing laugh...

'treat yourself and indulge your guilty pleasures' and 'stop looking for a sign', that is when things hit you right *smack* in the face, like a big ole sign...my free advice for the day *kisses*

buffalodick said...

I remember you when you used laugh and howl...Humor is what you need! Please don't take my comment wrong..

goooooood girl said...
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Just telling it like it is said...

Awe guys I guess I am not as funny as I thought I was...
This blog was really kinda just a joke...alright I can take a hint even the best funny people get bood off stage...

Walker said...

Sign sign everywhere a sign
Everywhere I look there's nothing I can find

Up here, down there, there was nothing I could find
Juat this one dusty bottle of very fine wine

Have a drink and forget the sign It will come to you when its not on your mind

Chef E said...

Walker you are a wise...mask!

ssgreylord said...

you made me, laugh, honey. and yes, that big ole sign is gonna knock you off your feet one day soon. i can feel it.