I was thinking back to my very first kiss. I remember it like it was yesterday. He had big blue eyes, blonde hair (sort of a bowl cut), he was definitely shorter than I, and he had braces. I think I only really loved him for his braces; I coveted "braces" at the time. I had no idea why my teeth were straight.
Yep, at the time I was definitely in love. If you asked me to talk to him I would be tongue tied after all boys were just starting to interest me. Talk to them about what? He asked me to go to the movies. Ah yeah, to what movie I still can't remember, but I do remember him touching my hand trying to hold it. OMGosh! He tried to hold my hand, and NO I did not kiss him that night what kinda girl do you think I am? I do not kiss on the first date. No "Engineer guy" I didn't even kiss you on the first date like you so hopefully remember.
The next week we were at recess, he put his face close to mine. I started to sweat. What was happening to me? I mean I have seen this scene several times in the movies? Should I close my eyes? Should I tilt my neck? What if my nose gets' in the way? What happens if I get my lip stuck in his braces like I have seen so many times in teen movies? Should I let him stick his tongue in my mouth? Should I just stick my tongue out? Or should I move it around? All of these questions racked my brain as I was in the moment. Damn I should have read Cosmo magazine before I went to school that day. I quickly I eyeballed the recess grounds for my friends, If I could just get a look from one of my friends a nod to let me know it would be all okay. I saw no one. So I did what any seventh grade student would do in my place.
I faked it! I closed my eyes acting like I knew knew what I was doing. And there you have it folks. He put his lips on mine and it was the worst slimy kiss I have had till this very day. I did not open my mouth. I did not dare let him go for the tongue kiss. No, I would have to do more research before I went to that base and I think he needed some more research too. I told myself I definitely needed to watch several more make-out movies, and read additional trashy magazines.
I broke up with him that very same week...after all Next week I knew I would be in love with someone else... Hopefully the next boy will have done his research...
P.S. "Engineer Guy" I know why I love you this week...It is for your sweet sexy kisses.