Monday, August 04, 2008

Let's get a new mamma....

So, I have been watching one of thoughts shows that change "the mommy" for a week and then get 50.000 dollars...
I say to Engineer guy...Let's audition for the show so that we can get a new mommy for the week..
Coarse I didn't know who we would send to be the new mommy for the other people. Could we send the kid to be the new mommy? He is kind of spoiled and we never make him cook...So, I am not sure that will be a good idea. We can't send my mother because I'm not sure she that she can handle other people's children. She can hardly handle my sister's children and that is after she is pre-medicated. We can't send Engineer guy because he refuses to be the mommy for other people.
I ask him maybe we can send your mother what do you think? He says he doesn't think that she will go for it. So, I guess that we will not be auditioning for the show..Me I am not grown up enough to be on tv and be a mommy to other people's children...


Anonymous said...

well its nice to know that you have great hits here.

Walker said...

Hmmmm I don't have a mommy type person living with me so I can't go for a trade either unless......
Does an inflattable sex doll count?

Superstar said...

I watch those shows and can't help thinking, OH GOOD GRAVEY!!! Who are these people...LOL

Now I know!

Just telling it like it is said...

Walker I am sure the husband would enjoy the blow up doll...but who will take care of the children I ask??
Super: I know where do they come from...back woods and all....

ssgreylord said...

loved the comment about your mom and pre-medication for the grandkiddies. sometimes i could use that pre-medication with my own :)