Sunday, August 03, 2008

Did I mention that...

Did I mention that I have a growth growing on the side of my neck...
It's not an abcess, but a pesky little pimple that never seems to go away..
I squished it this morning only to have little success of getting anything out of it and it is red and swollen...
Imagine that...I have used every pimple remover on the market but nothing seems to help...
I am left to only pretend that I do not see it in hopes that it will see that it no longer bothers me and goes away...

Did I mention that I have decided to get a personal trainer...
I hate working out, but know that it is something that I have to do because I am aware that gravity will take it's toll on my butt and promptly help it drag the ground. Plus what would Oprah think if if she ever met me and my butt was draggin the ground...and there is my reputation to think about... I am hoping that the trainer is really good looking so that I have something to look forward too when I work out...

Did I mention that my Uncle has dragon shoes that he wears when he does out..My Aunt calls it that because every time he goes out his friends drag him back into the house...


Walker said...

I had a personal trainer when i was 12.
He beat me in the morning, monitored what I ate for lunch and chased I mean raced me home after school.

I hope yours works out better than mine did.

Your uncles sound like the ones I used to wear on the way to jail after going out with my friends LOL

Just telling it like it is said...

Walker sounds like you had a built in personal trainer in the name of a brother or big sister..or both....

Walker said...

No it was the bully at school.
I lasted until i had a growing spurt when i was 14 and i knocked out his front teeth. You know his mother came to my place and i got into trouble.
Go figure

Just telling it like it is said...

Why the nerve of her...
If he could dish it out it is a shme that he couldn't take it....
good for you...knocking his teeth out he is lucky that is all that you did to him...

ssgreylord said...

did i mention how very much i enjoy reading your posts?