The apple does not fall far from the tree...
OMG what I have to look forward too:
My Ma has had the same hair style for like 20 yrs the 80's are OVER with. Please someone tell my Ma that perms are, I repeat perms are not in style. I tell her that you shouldn't color and perm your hair at the same time, but she doesn't listen to me. She tells me that she needs the perm for body and color cause she has premature grays. Ummm, sckewz me but ummm arn't you in your 50's premature Ha! Put down the aqua net, bangs are defininately not in Ma. She says she need the big bangs to take away from her wrinkled forhead. Okay I say, but ummmm do they have to be like 5 inches High.
Please say that you can change your destiny or I am going to end up with a perm, high bangs, jellies, boobs out (oh wait a minute I already do that) and short short skirts that I have no business wearing. Please when the apple falls let there be wind....