The second half of the night...
Refer to last blog to see how I came to find myself in this Entertainment Club or others may call it affectionally the nudie bar.
While at first, I was stoked to learn that there was a free buffet...who doesn't like free food? I decided I prolly didn't want to actually eat from the buffet; crushed at the thought of letting free food pass me by, but I determined it best to forgoe the tuna wraps and crab legs. You never know what might fall off the dancers poles into the food and heaven knows there is always a chance of bacteria in form of droplets floating in the air. I figured drinking more alcohol was safe because alcohol is a disinfectant and I am sure that anything airborne would be killed instantly if it landed in my glass. I made sure that the boyfriend pored me a extra shot just to be safe...after all safety first is my motto.
Two hours in I asked the waitress, "What is delaying the band and when would they be on?". She looked at me puzzled and said, " Sugar there is no band". Darn I've been had! All this time I thought that there was going to be this awesome metal band that apparently went all the way out to put on a spectacular show. Now it dawned on me why the girl with the hemorrhoid was not black balled from the club.
When in Rome I thought; I'm with the boyfriend and we are having a good time so nudie bar it is tonight. While sitting at our table we were approached by a guy asking us to come hang out with him and his "enforcer" friend. " Burn off" was the words I believe the boyfriend told him, but like a fly on shit he wouldn't go away. Being that I was pretty tipsy at the time I found myself intrigued by his constant efforts to get us to move to the VIP area. I mean there are all these naked women around and yet out the massive crowd he picked us to be with him. He even went so far to impress us by telling us that he just got out of prison and that he was in the mafia. Sweet that is all he really had to say to me! I'm in.
It started to dawn on me that he wasn't really interested in talking with me but more interested in talking with my very muscular boyfriend. So, I did what any girlfriend would do....every man for himself I left the BF and went to talk to the "enforcer". Mean while, the guy kept hitting of the BF and at one point asked him if he would like to see "the beast". I was of coarse cracking up on the sidelines with the "Enforcer" who stated that his friend had not only never been to prison or been in the mafia, but they had met in college. Now, you have to know the boyfriend to know that he is a really good sport and if it had been any other guy this guy might have gotten knocked out; yet he knew the guy was drinking and apparently hadn't come out of the closet yet. I told the enforcer after the guy tried to set up a pride fight between him and my boyfriend who out weighted him by 40lbs that I thought that his friend might have a slight problem with himself.
Point: you know your boyfriend is hot when a guy tries to pick him up at a nudie bar!
Monday, June 09, 2014
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Live Entertainment Friday Night Out.....
I found myself one weekend out with my Boyfriend, "Aussie" at a pub for a cold beverage of dirty martinis for me and cold beers for him as we often do. You see I knew he was up to something but I wasn't sure because he gave me that nod of and a "wink wink" ... oh honey have one more cocktail. So, four in he says to me, "You ready to move on to the next place it's kind of dull here ?". (there was really no one for us to play the yes -no game but I'll have to get into that later) He also sweetened the deal by telling me that there would be "Live Entertainment" which enticed me of coarse... Oh yeah party on... I figured I would love seeing a band ... I promptly say with just a hint of a slur, "let's blow this joint". Un-be-nonce-to- me we were right around the corner of the place; I think to myself this WOW I'm so lucky this guy always has it together and always handles business cause he's a business handler!
I think I might have saw a little bead of sweat come down his brow when he pulled up to the "Entertainment Bar", but I couldn't be too sure about that now cause I had a little liquid lube action going on. Maybe I should have seen it coming because we joke about this kind of thing all the time...or maybe the big neon sign should have slapped in the face that said, "Topless Girls: No Cover Charge and Free Buffet". Call me crazy I hardly noticed the sign...well maybe I noticed the free buffet part.. I was just ready to see the live entertainment and maybe get my dance on as well.

Oh it was live entertainment all right...except the band apparently was fashionably late (GO Figure Right?"). While we are waiting for them SHOW UP... I wonder why are there roughly 14 small stages with poles and one large stage in the front with naked girls dancing on them? Could this be a metal band? Is that why there were naked girls as the pre-show? then I thought why are all the men standing up to the stages with dollars in their hands and their noses in the girls cooter? Is this a new pre -band trend? And why is that girl spreading her legs open while laying on the stage when I can clearly see that she has a hemorrhoids in her anus... more importantly I think a dollar is too much to pay to see that kind of thing. I started to go tell her that they have a treatment for that kind of thing (she could probably make more than a dollar when the guys put their nose in her butt if she got it taken care of I'm just saying) and that I could recommend a Doctor. The boyfriend "Aussie" thought that it might be kind of rude to do that to her while she was performing. After much deliberation; I figured he was right and I shouldn't take away from her thunder.
Stay tuned for part 2
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