Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas to all of my blogger people...love ya!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Oh High School....

So, feeling a little old I called one of my very best friends to take me out on the town and talk of nothing but old times and laugh the night away...Good times I will never forget and now I get to relive some of that though my son...Man is he big!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Come Home with Your Sheild or on it.....
I can't explain what it is like to be the mother of an amazing talented child. Last nights game was awesome although we lost. My son made a couple of saves but this team played dirty. He called me late last night...
"Mom, I failed and froze and didn't do as good as I can."
As my heart started to bleed right then and there I said Son in life you will have times of failure, but that doesn't mean that you give up. It takes failure to appreciate and attain success. I said you are part of a team, you all have to work together for a common goal...You nee4d to bring your teammates up when you feel like they are giving up. I told him remember in tract when your best friend helped and pushed to to get faster? He says "yes" well that is what you have to do when your team is in practice. Believe in them and believe in yourself because I do and you could never fail me. His best is good enough for me. I then told him he comes from greatness and that he will succeed this is only the first game. I told him to be a Spartan come home with your shield or on it!
I love that kid!
"Mom, I failed and froze and didn't do as good as I can."
As my heart started to bleed right then and there I said Son in life you will have times of failure, but that doesn't mean that you give up. It takes failure to appreciate and attain success. I said you are part of a team, you all have to work together for a common goal...You nee4d to bring your teammates up when you feel like they are giving up. I told him remember in tract when your best friend helped and pushed to to get faster? He says "yes" well that is what you have to do when your team is in practice. Believe in them and believe in yourself because I do and you could never fail me. His best is good enough for me. I then told him he comes from greatness and that he will succeed this is only the first game. I told him to be a Spartan come home with your shield or on it!
I love that kid!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Damn Stalker...
Okay I am aware that my P is platinum but this is ridiculous....
Stalker guy has been calling me all weekend long morning, noon and night..
I'm like dude I really do work, I have things to do...
1. I have got to watch Jersey Shore re-runs..
2. I have to get my fix on crime solving techniques on ID TV
3. I have to look at funny videos on Break...
4. I need to lounge on the couch for most of the day...
5. i need to read my blogger friends and write my blog..
I'm really really busy...
I get a million text first it's the guilt trip...
Then it is the mad thing...
Then it's the plea to try and pull at my heart strings...
I don't do head games...I am just not effected...
I have no feelings...so I wrote him back finally and said...
I don't want to talk about feelings I don't owe you anything and your not my boyfriend.
Damn stalkers doesn't he know I can't be pierced with words especially when I am given the guilt trip..
Doesn't he know I am Mexican and we thrive on guilt trips...
The perils of dating...I really don't like it...
I decided to x out fire guy...not cute enough and too cocky
I'm not sure about blue eyes...
but the Marine is still in the running....
Stalker guy has been calling me all weekend long morning, noon and night..
I'm like dude I really do work, I have things to do...
1. I have got to watch Jersey Shore re-runs..
2. I have to get my fix on crime solving techniques on ID TV
3. I have to look at funny videos on Break...
4. I need to lounge on the couch for most of the day...
5. i need to read my blogger friends and write my blog..
I'm really really busy...
I get a million text first it's the guilt trip...
Then it is the mad thing...
Then it's the plea to try and pull at my heart strings...
I don't do head games...I am just not effected...
I have no feelings...so I wrote him back finally and said...
I don't want to talk about feelings I don't owe you anything and your not my boyfriend.
Damn stalkers doesn't he know I can't be pierced with words especially when I am given the guilt trip..
Doesn't he know I am Mexican and we thrive on guilt trips...
The perils of dating...I really don't like it...
I decided to x out fire guy...not cute enough and too cocky
I'm not sure about blue eyes...
but the Marine is still in the running....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Busting out Grandma....
Sorry I have been a way for a while it is not as if I haven't needed you all or missed you terribly, but my Grandma was sick....
She is my Legacy and one of the Strongest woman I know. No really she is a woman of steal...coming to this country...at 15 yrs. old. Living through incredible losses...worked her whole life...
Last week I got a call from my Aunt and off we were " Road Trip". By the time I got there at 6:00 am she had been shocked with 260 J. My heart raced, I couldn't believe that my Grandmother had been shocked and escaped death. Her pacemaker (AV node, SA node failing). Pretty common really I have seen it many times and I have even paced someone externally in the ER. So, my mind was racing of all the things that can go wrong I gave thoughts ICU nurses a run for their money and they totally hated me been the task master but come on this is my grandmother that we are talking about with out her I would not be. She had a pacemaker placed at the end of the week and she is now up and running with her walker... asking for homemade tortillas and carne asada ...made with "Lard" Go figure! I say give her what she wants to eat. The hardest part is when the Dr. asked my Grandmother if she wanted to be intubated if anything went wrong...My heart sank when she said No, but it is her life and now we know....
God love my family but they are the craziest bunch around. My Grandmother has her adoptive Daughter living should I say off of her...and I had to do my best not to knock her out with her loud mouth and lies of telling everyone she was in "Nursing School". I seriously almost lost it! Anywho My family decided to go in shifts to make sure my Grandmother gets better and then my Aunt is going to take her shopping and break her out of the house she is living in. We are taking over! Some people use people for money and it makes me sick. I mean a week before we came...Wink wink someone broke into the house and took all of my Grandmother's gold and my Grandfather's purple heart...WHF?
Anywho seeing her reminded me of the strong women that I come from...able to withstand trials and tribulations of the heart...
And for now she is better and my heart lays at rest for now
She is my Legacy and one of the Strongest woman I know. No really she is a woman of steal...coming to this country...at 15 yrs. old. Living through incredible losses...worked her whole life...
Last week I got a call from my Aunt and off we were " Road Trip". By the time I got there at 6:00 am she had been shocked with 260 J. My heart raced, I couldn't believe that my Grandmother had been shocked and escaped death. Her pacemaker (AV node, SA node failing). Pretty common really I have seen it many times and I have even paced someone externally in the ER. So, my mind was racing of all the things that can go wrong I gave thoughts ICU nurses a run for their money and they totally hated me been the task master but come on this is my grandmother that we are talking about with out her I would not be. She had a pacemaker placed at the end of the week and she is now up and running with her walker... asking for homemade tortillas and carne asada ...made with "Lard" Go figure! I say give her what she wants to eat. The hardest part is when the Dr. asked my Grandmother if she wanted to be intubated if anything went wrong...My heart sank when she said No, but it is her life and now we know....
God love my family but they are the craziest bunch around. My Grandmother has her adoptive Daughter living should I say off of her...and I had to do my best not to knock her out with her loud mouth and lies of telling everyone she was in "Nursing School". I seriously almost lost it! Anywho My family decided to go in shifts to make sure my Grandmother gets better and then my Aunt is going to take her shopping and break her out of the house she is living in. We are taking over! Some people use people for money and it makes me sick. I mean a week before we came...Wink wink someone broke into the house and took all of my Grandmother's gold and my Grandfather's purple heart...WHF?
Anywho seeing her reminded me of the strong women that I come from...able to withstand trials and tribulations of the heart...
And for now she is better and my heart lays at rest for now
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Check out this hottness for Pantie dropper Thursday..
Monday, September 06, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Here is a funny old repost...a blast from the past!
This Poor Guy.....
So, this morning I check my e-mail and what did I find???.....
Ohhhh I felt so bad for this guy...he was actually very nice looking and he must be sweet to stick this out....This story is too juicy for me to hold back on....so here it is folks...he met her from a internet dating site....I had a really good laugh on this....you'll feel sorry for him too.....
"Here's my funny-traumatic story. If ever in my life I need therapy, this will be why. I answered and email I received on Match from a girl who claimed to be my type. After reading her profile I decided she seemed pretty down to Earth and funny. We emailed each other a few times and decided to talk on the phone. She seemed very high energy and pretty hilarious. We decided to try a first date. I suggested dinner. She claimed she likes to make first dates unforgettable and wants to have a "pajama party" at her house. Yes red flags went up in my head but I do give people the benefit of the doubt and the suggestion did fit her personality. I however told her I wasn't comfortable going to a strangers house in my pajamas but I would dress casual and grab a movie on the way. The next day I receive and email from her detailing all of the pajamas she owns and she wants me to pick the pair she is going to wear..yes again red flag. I emailed back that I couldn't see them so I cant make that decision. So against better judgment I go through with the date. I arrive at her house and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opens. There before me stands a 3' 5" midget in little kids flannel-snowmen pajamas and white high heel pumps. On top of that she had the brightest red lipstick on I have ever seen and it was not subtle as it was not only on the lips, but also kind of smeared around the mouth like she just got done drinking a gallon of strawberry Kool-Aid. So totally in shock but not wanting to make her feel bad I go in. We talk for a few minutes and I suggest we start the movie. Let me say that it's a little weird sitting next to someone who's feet don't extend past the edge of the couch cushion. So, you would think that it couldn't get worse....well it did. She goes to the kitchen and brings me back a drink, which I'm sure it looked like I needed. She claimed it was Cranberry juice and Vodka. I take a sip and decided it tasted a little strange so I set it down and we watch the movie. Towards the end of the movie she goes to the bathroom and I decide to pour the drink out because I wasn't really in the "drinking" mood. Well, sitting on the counter is the EXPIRED cranberry juice bottle. Not just a little expired either, the bottle had an expiration date of 1999. So now totally freaked out I wait until the end of the movie, which seemed to take forever, and excuse myself and go home. Needless to say I didn't pursue it past that date. She was correct, it was memorable!! Do you have any dates that bad?"
Ohhhh I felt so bad for this guy...he was actually very nice looking and he must be sweet to stick this out....This story is too juicy for me to hold back on....so here it is folks...he met her from a internet dating site....I had a really good laugh on this....you'll feel sorry for him too.....
"Here's my funny-traumatic story. If ever in my life I need therapy, this will be why. I answered and email I received on Match from a girl who claimed to be my type. After reading her profile I decided she seemed pretty down to Earth and funny. We emailed each other a few times and decided to talk on the phone. She seemed very high energy and pretty hilarious. We decided to try a first date. I suggested dinner. She claimed she likes to make first dates unforgettable and wants to have a "pajama party" at her house. Yes red flags went up in my head but I do give people the benefit of the doubt and the suggestion did fit her personality. I however told her I wasn't comfortable going to a strangers house in my pajamas but I would dress casual and grab a movie on the way. The next day I receive and email from her detailing all of the pajamas she owns and she wants me to pick the pair she is going to wear..yes again red flag. I emailed back that I couldn't see them so I cant make that decision. So against better judgment I go through with the date. I arrive at her house and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opens. There before me stands a 3' 5" midget in little kids flannel-snowmen pajamas and white high heel pumps. On top of that she had the brightest red lipstick on I have ever seen and it was not subtle as it was not only on the lips, but also kind of smeared around the mouth like she just got done drinking a gallon of strawberry Kool-Aid. So totally in shock but not wanting to make her feel bad I go in. We talk for a few minutes and I suggest we start the movie. Let me say that it's a little weird sitting next to someone who's feet don't extend past the edge of the couch cushion. So, you would think that it couldn't get worse....well it did. She goes to the kitchen and brings me back a drink, which I'm sure it looked like I needed. She claimed it was Cranberry juice and Vodka. I take a sip and decided it tasted a little strange so I set it down and we watch the movie. Towards the end of the movie she goes to the bathroom and I decide to pour the drink out because I wasn't really in the "drinking" mood. Well, sitting on the counter is the EXPIRED cranberry juice bottle. Not just a little expired either, the bottle had an expiration date of 1999. So now totally freaked out I wait until the end of the movie, which seemed to take forever, and excuse myself and go home. Needless to say I didn't pursue it past that date. She was correct, it was memorable!! Do you have any dates that bad?"
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Here we go again...
I got talked into it I admit...The only Dr. I have been with or pulled into the clean utility was Dr. Goldenrod, but as fate would have it I accepted the ofter to go to a party with a Dr. I know. Lord help me...Dr. get alcohol in them and they start kissing everybody...
So, Off I go to dinner and a house party of people I don't know...I'll give you the DL when I get home! Much love to ya people!
So, Off I go to dinner and a house party of people I don't know...I'll give you the DL when I get home! Much love to ya people!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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