Monday, July 27, 2009

Random thoughts for the day...and some teaching

Again I find myself driving across country with my son in order to torture him by making him spend time with his clingy, overly obsessive, I my Gosh your trying to kill me by ways of hurting his self (it was only a scratch, but I almost had a meld down), Mother that might possibly mess him up for any future relationships with a normal woman, but I find that I can't help myself.
We will be driving down the road having a pleasent talk about the War in Iraq and find myself busting out the, " all of a sudden a case of herpes let's get out the medical dictonary".
He roles his eyes and says I pinky swear....always every time I will be safe if I choose to break your heart and to the deed before marriage.
You might be asking your self why I am so crazed at making sure his aware of all the STD dangers out there? is simple. I can't tell you how many times I have had that sweet innocent looking 15 yr. girl come into the ER explain that they are having severe pain "down there"...I look and tell the Dr. it's not a UTI it's in fact herpes. She then tells me how can that be? I have only been with one person...she might even say I have always been safe...and then I tell her...Sweetheart...
One can get herpes even if the other person doesn't have a break out and even if you use a condom. Herpes hides in the neural tissues (spinal cord) and unfortunately the virus shead. I tell her this only after I have gloved up to the nines...
Now that I have put the fear in everyone...
My dog sweet little girlly dog is humping any avaliable arm...
She is known for darngirl's dog sir humps a lot.
Go figure? trying to save on teenage boy from heartache and it is my 4 lb. pooch who is the real problem. I think we are going to have to send her to reform school, until then thank goodness there is wine.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am scared now.


Heff said...

I've never had herpes, but I HAVE HAD Le Sueur Peas !

Chef E said...

I share your fears...