Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let me tell you a great way to impress the guy...

You can impress him by...

Going to play volleyball with his friends and hit all the balls in the tree...

Yeap, that's me cool, hip, athletic, chick, non-able-to-server-the ball-for-she'it-but-all-you-got-to-be-is-pretty-chick...

He was so gracious, telling me he thought it was sweet that I dove for the ball even if I was nowhere near, near the ball ;)...Oh yeah I can take it go ahead

Coarse they made fun with me...His friends were hilarious and I cracked up the whole entire 4 games that we played...

Yep, we lost every game and I'm a little bruised and my hip a little sore...

But, not all was lost. I had more fun last night and laughed more than I have in years...

Darn foiled I do like him...


Chef E said...

What a cute, well lets just say I was not athletic till we got to the bedroom! The balls now go right where they should *giggle*

Just telling it like it is said...

Chef E: Your so know I love to talk about balls...tehehehehe

buffalodick said...

With your "yaboos" I'm sure you playing volleyball was more fun for them!

Walker said...

A guy loves a woman who dive into it head first for some good ol fun and games :)